This is y/n.

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Last night was bittersweet for you as you have been Veronica for months now, and you hate that it was your last time portraying her on stage. However, with the busy few weeks you have ahead of you, you know that you couldn't stay out with the cast last night. Besides, you all have the wrap up dinner and party tonight.

You were up early to get in a little gym time since there is no other time during the day to get it done. With it being so early there is no one else in the hotel gym other then you for the first hour you are there. Then walks in a tall, skinny, blonde man. He looks familiar, but you can't quite place where you know him from as he has on a hat that partial obscures his face. He gives you a quick smile and nod before starting his work out. You both go about your business in silence for another hour before you are done with your sets. You finish racking your weights and head for the door, the blonde man gives you a small wave as you are on your way out.

 You finish racking your weights and head for the door, the blonde man gives you a small wave as you are on your way out

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You sat in the lobby waiting for the elevator lost in your thoughts about the day ahead. The sound of the elevator bell brings you back to reality signaling that it had arrived. Then you hear another voice. "Hello darling, have a nice work out? Do you mind if we share the lift?" He asked. You were starstruck, Jamie Campell Bower was standing right next to you, speaking to you. You still haven't gotten used to speaking with famous people, even if it is just small talk. You reply, "No, not at all. And yes, it was a good workout, Yours?" He continued, "Mine was fine. I just got here and am way to wired from travel to catch some sleep, so I figured why not go to the gym."

You both continued to make small talk on the ride up to the top floor of the hotel where you both got out of the elevator. "It was a pleasure to speak with you this morning...?" He spoke. You could tell he was hinting at trying to get your name. "Oh, I'm sorry. I always forget to introduce myself. I'm Y/n." You replied. He smiled, "Nice to meet you, Y/n, I'm Jamie. I'm sure I will be seeing you around." This made you blush and turn to walk to your room. He was so kind, just like he seemed in every interview you had ever seen of him.

(Josephs POV)


You are sitting in the kitchen of your suite having your morning coffee when you hear a familiar voice out in the hall. You get up to open the door and see the back of Jamie's head as he is struggling to the get door to his own suite open.

"Look who finally made it!" You exclaim before tackling your dear friend. "Joseph, I would have been here a lot sooner if I hadn't made a new friend in the gym this morning." He spoke. "Ah... Enjoying a workout with once of your many adoring fans this morning?" You tease. He replied, "Well I don't know if she is a fan of mine, but I am a fan of hers. It was Y/n, you know, from those horror movies." You are completely shocked by this information, "Wait, she is staying here?" You ask as you almost run him over on your way to the door. He responds to you, quite confused, "Yea mate, she's staying on this floor too. We shared the lift up here. Why, do you know her?"

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