we're your favorite people?!

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(Y/n POV)

Your phone alarm starts blaring on the nightstand and pulls you out of your sleep. You roll over and reach for the phone to shut it off and get up to start the day. You get out of bed and head into the kitchen to make yourself a cup of coffee while you look over your schedule for today.

9:00am - leave the hotel and head to Hollywood Studios.

10:30am - warm up and get ready for first performance.

11:00am - first performance.

12:30pm - lunch break until 2pm.

2:30pm - second performance.

4:00pm - head back to the hotel for the night to prep for MegaCon tomorrow.

You head back into your bedroom to take a quick shower and get dressed. The education series gave you all t shirts to wear for the performances and you pair it with a nice pair of black yoga pants and comfy sneakers. You grab your black Crossbody and head out the door.

You make your way downstairs to the lobby and out front to wait for the van. Once you step outside and see Gaten waiting as well. You walk up to him and say, "good morning! How are you today?" "Hey Y/n," he responds, I'm doing great. How are you?" The van pulls up and you both get in continuing to make small talk all the way Hollywood studios.

Once all the cast is there, everyone circles on stage to warm up together. It's not a huge cast, maybe 12 of you total. Everyone that's a part of it has performed on Broadway at one point in the last 10 years. It's time for the first show!

The first performance goes extremely well. The cast gave it their all, and the audience was very receptive and engaging. After everyone gives their final bows, and the children all exit the auditorium, it's time for lunch!

You and Gaten decide to eat lunch together. "Are you excited for MegaCon tomorrow?" He asks. "Honestly, I'm really nervous. This will be my first con experience. I hear they can be quite intense." You respond. He nods and talks to you about his first experience, which was chaotic but overall a pleasant one before he continues, "we will be there for the long weekend too. Jamie, Joe, Keery, and myself. So you'll have friends incase it's too crazy!" Gaten has been very sweet to you since you first met him, always kind and makes an effort to include you.

You both continue to talk about MegaCon and you find out you have similar schedules, meet and greets in the morning and photo ops in the afternoon on day one and the rest of the days consist of panel interviews and individual interviews. You all will even be on one panel together presented by Netflix the third day! While this conversation is going on your phone pings. You pull it out of your pocket and see a new text has come through.

Quinn: hello love! How are your performances coming along today?

You smile from ear to ear when you see his name come across your screen. Gaten notices and asks, "I take it that text is from Joe?" You nod still smiling at your phone screen. "So... are you two dating now?" Asks Gaten. You look up from your phone and at Gaten. You haven't really thought about it, are you guys dating? True you have been on a few dates and spent one incredible night together but you haven't really talked about your status.

You respond, "I'm not sure, we're still getting to know each other, and I really like him. But I'm not sure where it's headed." Gaten responds, "well you both like each other, there's good chemistry between you two, why not go for it?" He's right, maybe you should just go for it with Joseph and ask him what you are to each other. That's not something you wish to discuss over texts though, so it will have to wait until you have time later this week.

Y/n: hello dearie! The first one went well, the kids seemed really into it. We're on lunch now for a little bit longer. Gaten says hi!

Quinn: awe, my two favorite people are having lunch without me. 🥺🥺

Y/n: we're your favorite people?! ☺️

Quinn: yes, but don't tell anyone! Anyway, about tomorrow, we are leaving for MegaCon tomorrow at 9:00am. Did you still want to ride over together?

Y/n: yes! Gaten and I just compared schedules, it looks like we won't see much of each other tomorrow other then the rides there and back.

Quinn: I guess we better make that time count then! I will see you tomorrow love!

Lunch has ended and it's time to get ready for your last show. Everyone gathers back on stage and gets pumped up. The last show was even better then the first one, all the kids knew the songs and were singing along. Today was the kind of performance that reminded you why you wanted to become an actor!

After the kids exit the auditorium and you turn in your mics, you and Gaten make your way back to the hotel for the night. It's not a long trip back and you are both exhausted from the day. You both head back up to your suites to rest up for a busy day tomorrow.

You are excited to enjoy a nice quiet evening relaxing! You run a hot bath and decide to do a face mask and have some wine! The conversation you had at lunch is still running through your mind, are you and Joseph dating, what are you? You spend your night trying to push thoughts thoughts from your mind and decide to watch a scary movie, you fall asleep halfway through.

**this chapter is shorter then most. But the story will continue and maybe we'll get some answers. I'm not sure if anyone has really been reading this, if you are and are enjoying it. I'm glad and thank you for taking the time!

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