damn, now I have a crush on Eddie!

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(Y/n POV)

Your alarm goes off waking you up from an amazing dream where the Joseph Quinn had asked you to be his girlfriend. You roll over and shut off the alarm and lay there for a moment before you realize that wasn't just a dream. Last night the two of you talked and made it official that you are together! The biggest smile spreads across your face and you can't help it!

You get up and start getting ready for the final day you have to be at MegaCon. The only thing on your agenda today is the Netflix Panel with the Stranger Things guys and a few other stars. You decide to wear pleated skirt and a T-shirt, it's a cute, slightly punk combo that makes you feel comfortable and confident. You put your hair up in a cute but messy bun and wear your makeup natural with some eyeliner. Gaten texted the group chat to meet down stairs to get breakfast together before you all leave. You grab a small backpack and head out the door.

You press the button to call the elevator and wait for it to arrive. You see someone walk up out of the corner of your eye, it's Joseph! He smiles and pulls you into a hug! "Good morning beautiful! How did you sleep?" He asks. "Good morning! I slept great, I had this amazing dream that you were my boyfriend! How about you?" You respond with a giggle. He kisses your forehead and says, "That was no dream love, I'm all yours! And I would have slept better if you were there with me!" He gives you a quick wink and the elevator arrives.

You both make your way downstairs and hold hands as you walk up to the table where everyone else is already sitting waiting for you two. Keery is the first to notice you both holding hands and being a little extra flirty so he asks, "so.. did you guys figure out what you are? You know.. In case you get asked today like Joe did yesterday." You look at Joseph who smiled and says, "yes, we figured out what we are, and I'm that lucky man who gets the honor of dating her!" Gaten and Jamie both clap and cheer as they are excited that it finally happened!

After breakfast and the ride over to the convention center you are all escorted inside and to a room where you will wait to come on stage for the panel interview. You and Joseph hadn't talked about how public you want your relationship to be, after all you are both private people. It came up in his interview yesterday and speculation has been all over social media. You wanted to ask him but before you could they start to call you out to stage one at a time.

The seating arrangement on stage goes Gaten, Keery, Joseph, Jamie, you, and the two other Netflix stars. Most of the questions so far have been very straight forward and things you have all answered during previous interview this week. One question catches you off guard, "y/n you have been linked to Joseph Quinn recently due to your many appearances together, what do you think about that?"

You take a moment to think while the crowd cheers at that question being asked. You start, "well it's true that we have been spending time together recently, we've been working on a project together and then have been scheduled to appear here at MegaCon together. We have gotten close over the past few days and I'm thankful that these projects brought us into each others lives."

You can tell the fans are not fully satisfied with that answer but you don't want to force your relationship in the spotlight without talking to Joseph first. However, Jamie has no problem teasing it for the crowds. He asks the fans, "don't you all think that they would be a cute couple?" He holds his mic out for the crowd who all cheer at the top of their lungs. He continues, "maybe if they feel enough support they will give it a shot!"

He turns and gives you a wink, you roll your eyes at him and look down the line and make eye contact at Joseph who is smiling at you. The rest of the interview is quite tame compared to that last interaction. You somehow manage to get through it without making a complete fool of yourself. You can't wait to head back to the hotel and call your parents, you haven't talked to them in a few days and you need to tell them all your good news!

On the van ride back Joseph asks what time you want to leave for Opening Night of Halloween Horror Nights. You both decide on leaving at 5:00pm.

You get back to the hotel and go up to your room and get on FaceTime with your parents and share all your news. They are excited for you but are also sad that you don't have much time before you will meet to be on location for filming. You tell them that you will have to come home for a few weeks to visit them, and you will let them know in a few days what weeks you will be there. They also ask when will they get to meet your boyfriend, and you tell they you will let them know.

In that moment you realized that you only have a few more days here in Orlando with Joseph before these projects are over. Then what? I guess the two of you have some things you will need to discuss. Luckily neither of you have any commitments for tomorrow so you will have plenty of time to talk. You hurry up and get ready for Halloween Horror Nights. You had packed your outfit for tonight before you knew you would meet the Stranger Things guys, let alone did you think you would be going to the event with them.

You throw on some ripped fishnet tights with some jean shorts complete with wallet chain and black bet. Your hellfire club shirt is tucked in and you tie up your hair in a high pony with a black bandana. Completing the look with your high top white sneakers and some darker makeup!

5:00pm rolls around and you hear a knock on your door, you open it and Joseph's jaw drops! He sees your Eddie inspired outfit and he sticks his tongue out in thought. "Hey love!" You say interrupting his thoughts. He slowly looks you up and down before he says, "damn, now I have a crush on Eddie!" You both bust out laughing and he offers his hand to you and you take it. You both head out to meet up with the rest of the guys!

Everyone else is dressed very casual, however because you used to live here and Halloween Horror Nights is your favorite time of year you had to go all out! Everyone loves the twist on the look and are excited to go to the event. You end up having a RIP tour and get all the houses and the shows done in one night. Plenty of fans take pictures of you as you are enjoying the event. Joseph and you are enjoying the night together with some hand holding and the occasional kiss. When the night is over you invite him back to your suite for the night.

Once inside the suite he can't help it, he's wants you! You both head straight to the bedroom to fool around for a while.

**they are finally together! We are also starting to reach the end of the day dream. Maybe only 4ish more chapters. I am not sure if I will continue this story after that or not. If you are reading and enjoying it, I guess let me know if I should continue it or not. As always, thanks your reading!

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