We're late!

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-slight smut, we're starting to get a little spicy-


(Y/n POV)

You start to stir to the sound of your alarm. You roll over and reach out for your phone and turn off the alarm. You lay in bed for a little while checking your messages that came through while you were asleep but then it hits you. Today is the day, you are going on a date with Joseph Quinn! With that you shoot out of bed and head to your kitchenette to start a cup of coffee. While that's brewing you go into the bathroom and plug in your curling iron and go to your closet to find what to wear.

The first part of your day is going to be hanging out with the group so it should be more casual. You decide to wear a pair of Jean shorts, a band T-shirt, and tie a flannel around your waist. This outfit has always been a staple in your wardrobe.

You grab your coffee and head into the bathroom to start on your hair and makeup

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You grab your coffee and head into the bathroom to start on your hair and makeup. You keep it simple by adding some loose curls to your high pony, and do a natural looking makeup. You take a long look in the mirror, but decide you want a second opinion. You text your two best friends who still live in Florida and ask to FaceTime with them. On the call they give you their stamp of approval on the look, and you fill them in on all the tea over the last few days. While you are finishing up the call your phone pings and you see a text from Joseph come through.

Quinn: Good morning beautiful! I can't wait to see you, have you had breakfast?

You: Good morning Handsome! I'm so excited for today! I have not, just coffee.

Shortly after you send that text you hear a knock on your door. You look through the peep hole and see Joseph standing there looking unbelievably gorgeous in his white button down shirt and jeans!

 You look through the peep hole and see Joseph standing there looking unbelievably gorgeous in his white button down shirt and jeans!

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He's early, it's only 9am. You open the door a little confused but also so excited to see him. When you open the door and greet him, you notice a box of doughnuts in his hands. He brought you breakfast!

You invite him in and make yourself another cup of coffee, and one for him while he grabs some small plates and gets the doughnuts out. You both sit at the breakfast bar and eat your breakfast together.

"You look absolutely gorgeous this morning darling!" He says. "Always so flattering Mr. Quinn. You respond. "Mr. Quinn, I like the sound of that!" You look over as he lets out a chuckle and notice that he has on devious smirk. He stands up from the breakfast bar and takes your hand, leading you over the the couch where he sits and pulls you down on to his lap so you are straddling him.

He runs his hands up your back until he gets to your neck before he pulls you in for a kiss. It starts out sweet and soft but quickly he deepens the kiss and runs his tongue across your lips asking for entry. You let him in and your tongues fight each other for dominance as your hands start to explore each others bodies. His hands reach the bottom of your shirt and he pulls back from the kiss with a look that's asking if it's okay. You give a smile and nod.

He slowly lifts the hem of your shirt up, exposing your stomach and black lacy bra. His eyes travel from your face down to your breasts then lower to your stomach where he notices your scar. Suddenly you feel self conscious as you know the scar is ugly. By reflex you move your arm in an attempt to cover it but before you can he grabs your hand to stop you. "Please don't cover yourself love," he starts, "every inch of you is perfect. Do you not know how beautiful you are?"

You don't know how to respond to him. No one has made you feel beautiful in a long time. You blush a little before placing your hands on his neck and pull him in for more kisses. You are both back in a battle for dominance as his hands gently squeeze and tease your breasts as you feel his member beginning to grow under you. You lightly grind into him and you begin to feel a pulse between your legs. You hear a moan escape his mouth as he pulls back from the kiss. His eyes are dark and full of lust. "Everything alright Mr. Quinn?" You ask. "Oh the things you do to me, and I want to do to you," he responds, "I'd have you right here, right now if I could."

Unfortunately, this exchange is cut short by Joseph's phone ringing in his Jeans pocket. You climb off his lap so he can grab his phone to answer. "Shit, it's Gaten. We're late!" He says as he answers the phone and reassures the guys we will be down in 10 minutes. You both laugh, he goes to the restroom while you put your clothes back on. In no time you are both ready to head out to the parks with the group.

You meet the group downstairs in the lobby and based off the looks you are getting from Jamie and Kerry, you can tell they know something happened upstairs. Luckily they are gentlemen this morning and don't say anything. You all head to the theme parks for a day of fun.

You decided to start at Islands of Adventure because there are more roller coasters! You head straight for the Hulk and get in line. Everyone is talking about how excited they are and what they want to do in the parks. Joseph reaches for your hand and intertwines his fingers in yours and pulls you towards him. "Is it okay if I hold your hand or put my arms around you while we're out here today?" He asks. You look into his eyes with a big smile and nod. He continues, "What if I want to kiss you, would that be okay? You know, out here in public."

You think about it for a moment. If you two were to be seen holding hands and kissing in public the whole world would assume you are dating, and all of a sudden you will be the topic of tons of pop culture stories. Everyone will have their criticism of the relationship, even though you aren't in one yet. But you really do like him, and want to see where this goes. If you decide to date it will happen sooner or later anyway.

You look in his eyes and smirk before going up on your top toes and kissing him. "I take it that's a yes?" He asks. "Absolutely, as long as you are okay with it and whatever people say about it." You respond. He smiles and kisses you once more before you board the coaster.

You spend all day with the group out in the parks, doing all the rides, laughing and taking cute photos together! This has been one of the best days you have had in a long time and you know it's far from over! Tonight is your first official one on one date with Joseph and you are so excited but also a little nervous.

The groups decides to call it a day and make their way back to the hotel around 4:30pm. Which will give you plenty of time to get ready for tonight! Back at the hotel you all take the lift up to your floor and say your goodbyes. Joseph walks you to your door, "today was amazing darling, but I can't wait to take you out tonight!" Joseph says. "Me too love, where are you talking me by the way?" You ask. "Love? That sounds even better when you say it!" He giggles before saying, "it's a surprise, but dress to impress dear!" You give him a quick smile and kiss on the cheek as you open your door to go inside to shower and get ready for this exciting night ahead.

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