I guess we should start packing then.

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**SMUT warning**


(Y/n POV)

You and Joseph waste no time once in the bedroom. He grabs your hand, pulls you into him, and pushes you up against the wall as he presses his lips to yours with aggression and lust. It takes no time at all for your hands to find the bottom of his shirt and you start to pull it up over his head revealing his bare chest. He returns his attention back to your lips and he starts to pull at your shirt. You help him out by untucking the shirt and pulling it up over your head slowly.

He looks you up and down, as you stand in front of him in your fishnets, jean shorts, and black lacy bra. He can't help but lick his lips . You notice and grab his hand and walk him over to the bed and push him down. You take a step back and slowly undo the buckle on your belt, unhook your button, and pull down on the zipper. His eyes are glued to your hands and you are slowly  undressing yourself for him.

You turn your back to him and slowly slide your shorts off before looking back you over your shoulder and making eye contact. His eyes are burning for you as he sits and memorizes every inch of your body that he can see. You lift your hands so they are on the clasp of your bra and unhook it, slowly sliding your straps off your shoulders. Still cupping your breasts in your hands you turn and toss the bra at him on the bed.

He catches it and stands. He's been enjoying the show but he's ready to play. He picks you up and tosses you on the bed and climbs over you. He presses his lips to yours with such passion and heat, running his hands down your body until he is at the waist of your fishnets. He kisses down your body and meets his hands at your waist before taking off your tights and panties in one quick motion.

He stand between your legs as he unbuttons his own pants, and slides them down with his boxers. It's not quite the show you put on, but the view of his member more then makes up for it. He climbs back on top of you with a look that is  asking your permission to continue, you nod and spread your legs. "Good girl!" He whispers in your ear. Neither of your need foreplay today as you are both eager and ready.

He slides it in and your gasp as your body adjusts to him being inside. He starts out slowly thrusting into you making sure you are okay before spreading up. You toss your head back in ecstasy, you have missed his touch and want him so badly. You both continue this pace until you can tell he's getting close and you aren't ready for it to end so you suggest a change in position. He lays on his back with his head propped up against the headboard, you climb on to his lap and hold eye contact as you allow him back in and begin to ride his lap, doing small circular motions with your hips that get you close and drive him insane.

You both reach climax together and fall into each other as you come down from it. You excuse yourself to the bathroom to take a quick shower. He goes into the kitchen and comes back with two glasses of water and some chocolate for you both. You come back into the bedroom with just his T-shirt on and wet hair. You climb into bed and eat your chocolate together before cuddling up to watch a movie. You both fall asleep in each others arms within the first 10 minutes.


You start to stir as the light is now pouring into the bedroom. You feel Joseph's arms still wrapped around your waist, you scoot back into him and pull his arms around you tighter. "Mmhm, sleep well darling?" You hear him ask still groggy from sleep. "Yes, I must have been really worn out from all the excitement yesterday." You joke. He lets out a small chuckle, kisses your neck, and yawns as he rolls over and gets out of bed to get dressed.

You both make plans to grab brunch down stairs at 11:00am which will give you both time to get ready for the day. It's your last full day together in Orlando and you have some things you want to talk to him about.

You showered last night so it doesn't take you long to get ready. You threw your hair in a pony tail and put on a cute black floral sundress and black toms then head to his room to go down for brunch. You can here him talking as he opens the door, he's on the phone, and it sounds work related. "8 months, yea that'a how long I will need the place for. Have you made travel arrangements for me yet. No, I haven't asked her yet. I'll call you later."

"Sounds like you have your next project lined up?" You ask. "Yea, kinda, but I'm starving. Let's talk about this over brunch, yea?" He responds and takes your hand leading you out of his room. You go down to the lobby and head to a small restaurant out by the pool. You both have a seat and order your food. While waiting for the staff to bring it out he asks, "so, today is our last day in Orlando together. What projects does my incredibly talented girlfriend have coming up?" You smile and look down as his comment made you blush. You respond, "well, I don't have anything for the next 6ish weeks, but then I have to be on location for about 8 months on a new project. I can't say too much about it yet."

"What about my amazingly gifted boyfriend? What's next for you, Mr. Quinn?" You ask. He's eyes darken as you called him that, but he also lets a smile spread across his face at the compliment. "Well you overheard a little of it upstairs, I will also be gone for about 8 months on a project too. However my agent thinks I need some time off before diving back in, and I agreed to it. Do you have any plans for the next 6 weeks?"

"Well, I told my parents I would find some time to visit them up north, so I will probably spend about three weeks with them." You say. "That sounds lovely, my mom has been begging me to go home for a visit as well." He continues, "she actually asked if she would get to meet you sometime." "My parents asked about you as well, but I told them I'd let them know." You say.

"Well, this might be a bit fast but what if we did that over the next 6 weeks, met each others families? We have the time off and you said you have always wanted to go to London, plus i have to be back in the states in 6 weeks to get ready to leave for my project. What do you think?" He asks nervously.

You sit there for a moment thinking about what he just asked. You have only known each other for such a short amount of time and only been officially dating for two days and he is suggesting meeting each others families. However nothing has been normal about this relationship, you have been together almost 24/7 since you met, so really this relationship is already moving quickly.

You must have been thinking about it for a while because when you finally snap out of your thoughts and look back up at him, he no longer looks nervous, he looks terrified like he said the wrong thing. You reach out your hand towards his and take hold of it, snapping him out of his thoughts and say, "I guess we should start packing then, when do we leave for London?"

He lets out a sigh of relief and gets up to come around to your side of the table where he picks you up and surrounds you in a gigantic bear hug before telling you that after brunch you can both call your mangers and have them set up the details, and call each of your parents to let them know when to expect you! You spend the rest of the day with each other around the hotel working out travel plans.

You decide to leave tomorrow for London and you will spend three weeks there, meet his family and friends, and see where he lives. Then you will come back to the states and go up north to where your family is from where he will meet your parents and 3 of your 5 siblings, and then see where you grew up. Then you will both leave for your separate projects.

**little do they know... they are going to be working on the same project in 6 weeks!!

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