Please tell me you are serious and not playing a joke on me

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(Joseph's POV)

The sunlight shining through the window stirs you from your sleep. You blink your eyes a few times as you start to come to. You role over and see her there, y/n fast asleep in your bed. "She's really is beautiful" you think to yourself. You watch her sleep for a few minutes before you decide to get up. You slip out of bed trying not to wake her, and make your way into the living space. Last night was easily one of the best nights of you life and you hope she feels the same way.

You make a cup of coffee and call down to order room service. You order just about everything on the menu as you aren't sure what she might be hungry for. After a while the hotel staff arrive with the food and they set it up at the table off of the kitchenette. You go back into the bedroom and see her starting to stir and wake up. She lets out a big yawn and sit up in bed. She sees you standing by the door and you see a big smile spread across her face. "Good morning love!" You say. "Good morning!" She replies still not quite awake. You walk over to the bed and offer her your hand and say, "come with me." She takes your hand and follows you.

You bring her out to the living space and pull out a chair for her at the table. You both sit and enjoy the breakfast that you had brought up. You enjoy some light conversation and soon realize it was way more food then the two of you could possibly eat. Almost as soon as you are finished eating you hear a phone going off. She gets up and goes over to the breakfast bar and grabs her phone. "I need to take this, it's my agent." She says as she goes back in the bedroom. You clean up the table and have a seat on the couch waiting for her to come back.

It's been about 20 minutes before she finally returns. She's back in the dress she was wearing last night. "I guess that means she's has to go." You think to your self. "Hey, I have to be going. My agent set up an important audition for me today." She says. "I understand darling." You respond. You can help but look up at her and give her puppy eyes as she walks over to you to say goodbye.

(Y/n POV)

"You can't believe he did this for you!" You think as he walks you out to the living space and you see a full breakfast spread. You both sit and enjoy each others company and the amazing food. You had just cleaned your plate when you hear your phone start to ring. You find it in the bottom of your clutch, and see that your agent is calling you. You excuse yourself to the bedroom to take the call.

"Hey Maryanne! How are you?" You start. "Y/n I'm good dear, thank you! I have some good news!" She says, "I got a call this morning from Marvel and they want you to read for a part in their next film. What do you think?" You are astonished that Marvel would even consider you, after all the biggest stars in Hollywood have been a part of their productions! "Please tell me you are serious and not playing a joke on me Maryanne!" You respond. "Dear I am serious. They want me to send them your reading today. I am going to email you the script right now and you need to get it filmed and to me by 2:00pm at the latest. I know it's short notice but they have narrowed it down to you and one other woman for this part and they need to figure this part out before they continue to cast the other roles."

You wrap up the call and toss on your dress from last night so you can make it back to your room to shower and get ready to tape this scene. Once you are dressed you go back out to say your goodbyes. "Hey, I have to be going. My agent set up an important audition for me today." You tell him. "I understand darling." He says giving you puppy eyes. He gets up off the couch as you walk over to him. He pulls you in to a tight hug. "God he smells amazing!" You think.

"I had an amazing time with you last night darling," he says, "can we do it again soon?" You look up at him and can't help but smile. "I would love that, name the time and place." You answer. "Tonight, 8:00pm, or is that too soon? He asks. You respond with confusion, "Tonight? But we have the promo wrap party tonight?" "I know," he replies, "please be my date?" "Yes!" You reply and give him a kiss!

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