Even if you were trying to kill me!

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-time skip-


(Y/n POV)

"AND CUT! That's a wrap everyone! Great work!" The director shouts! Everyone, cast and crew, all start to clap and cheer as you have just wrapped production on the Marvel project! It's been a long eight months working on this and honestly you are a little emotional as you start to cheer and cry with the rest of the cast and crew. You have become great friends with all of them and are sad that this means you will be saying goodbye until the film is ready to come out and the interviews start.

The director gives a speech to all of you, thanking you for the hard work and dedication to the project and congratulations on finishing it! Everyone hugs and takes photos together before you need to turn in your costumes and wash off your make up. "You we're amazing in that last scene darling!" You hear Joseph say as he scoops you up in a big hug! "Oh thank you dear!" You respond, "you were pretty amazing too! Even if you were trying to kill me!" You both laugh and start to head towards your trailers.

You and Joseph are still going strong and all this time together on location has only strengthened your relationship. You've had fights and struggles, being away from family and going from 0-100 really quick with moving in together, but you have both been able to compromise and make the relationship work. You both will be parting ways for a little while now that production has wrapped. He needs to go back to London to deal with some work related things and see his family and you want to visit your family and see you friends. Your former roommate and best friend has planned a girls week for you both to relax and unwind.

After turning in costumes and washing off all the makeup you and Joseph head home to eat some dinner and start to pack up your rental. You both were too tired from a long day of shooting that you decided to stop for Chinese food on your way home! You both talk about your travel plans while you eat. Tomorrow will be your last day together for a while and the whole day will be spent confirming travel plans and packing.

Your assistants have started most of the packing and have been on the phone with your managers about upcoming projects for two days. You both have some auditions coming up and know that your schedules could get busy quickly so you decided on spending the night together cuddling and watching some movies! The next day goes by so quickly with all the packing and phone calls. It's been so nice to have all this time together and it's breaking your heart to say goodbye.

(Joseph's POV)

You and Y/n arrive at the airport together and you know you only have a few hours left before you have to say goodbye to her. She will being going to see her parents for a few days before going back down to Orlando to see her friends, and you will be going home for a few days to talk with your parents. She doesn't know it yet, but you are flying home to get your grandmothers wedding ring and to tell your family that you plan on asking y/n to marry you. You are nervous that maybe it's too soon, but this last year with her has been the happiest you have ever been. She understands your work/life balance and is your biggest support system outside of your family. She is the one and you knew it the moment you met her!

You both said your goodbyes, both cried a little, but you need to do this. You board your plane, knowing in a few hours you will be home to get your parents blessing and tell them your plans, before flying back to the states in a few days to ask her parents for their blessing. You are planning on asking her in Orlando. It's where you met and started your romance, it seems like the perfect place. Her friends know your plans and have been able to plan things for y/n to do that won't make her suspicious but will also have where she need to be for this surprise!

Luckily when you tell your family they are on board and start to make their travel plans to be there for when you ask her! They can not wait for y/n to officially be a part of the family! You spend a few days in town with them, enjoying the quality family time!


You flew back into the states today and y/n's sister is picked you up at the airport, she knows your plans and has been supportive of the whole thing. She even helped you figure out how you want to ask her parents for their blessing and has been helping you plan the whole surprise for y/n.

Y/n's parents love you and are going to say yes, but in typical midwestern parent fashion they make you sweat a little before giving their blessing! With both families on board it's time to get down to Orlando without y/n finding out and get everything all set for the proposal. You decided to do a scavenger hunt through Universal Orlando, through all the places you spent time together when getting to know each other!

Somehow you made it to the Hard Rock Hotel in Orlando without causing a scene and manage to get both your families here. You have been texting with her friends and everything is all set for you to pop the question tomorrow!

Tomorrow you will ask the woman of your dreams to be yours forever and you are nervous beyond belief. "Will she say yes? What if she says no? Is it too soon?" These thoughts keep you up all night, but you know you are ready for this next step!

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