so, your suite or mine?

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**smut warning.. proceed with caution!**

(Y/n POV)

You decide to take your time getting ready for the date. You take a hot shower where you shave every body part that needs it. After the shower you do a face mask and paint your nails. The dress you pick for tonight is a mid length red halter top dress with some simple black heels and a black clutch. You pair it with a black faux leather jacket for a slight punk edge. Your make up is simple, a Smokey eye and some red lipstick.

It's 7:00pm and you are putting in your silver earrings when you hear Joseph knock on your door. You give yourself a quick spritz of your peach perfume before answering the door. Joseph is standing there in a black and silver pin stripped suit with a white button down shirt underneath. He's holding a single red rose. You can't help but let your jaw drop when you see him.

Your eyes are traveling up his body taking in every inch of his beauty when your eyes lock. You didn't see it, but he was doing the same thing to you. You both smile at the sight of each other. "We'll Mr. Quinn, you clean up quite nicely!" You say. "Y/n you are stunning, as per usual." He responds, "shall we?" He hands you the rose and offers you his arm, and you reach out to take it. You walk to the lift and go down to the lobby and out the front door to a car.

He opens the door for you and you get in, he goes around to the other side and gets in next to you. Once his door is closed the driver starts the journey to the surprise. You bring the rose to your nose and take in the sweet smell. Joseph must have been watching because he lets out a small chuckle. You turn to look at Him and ask, "what?" He replies, "nothing, you are just absolutely beautiful and I can't believe I am lucky enough to be taking you out!" You look down and blush hard, but he lifts your chin so you are looking at him again. "Why do you always look away when I compliment you?" He asks.

"Well to be honest, you make me blush like crazy." You respond. He smiles. "So, where are you taking me this evening kind sir?" You ask with a hit of a joke. "Sir?" He asks raising one eyebrow. "You'll see, I think we are almost there."
Sure enough about 5 minutes later your car pulls up to the SeaLife Aquarium at Icon Park.

Joseph gets out of the car and comes around to your door and opens it, offers you a hand out and you take it. He escorts you up to the doors and you notice that they closed at 6:00pm. He must have noticed the looks of confusion on your face because he give you a reassuring smile. A few moments later a man comes to the door and lets you both in and says, "Mr. Quinn, ma'am, please follow me."

You do as he says and follow him down a hall way and out into a big open room with large windows into the aquarium. In the middle of the room is a small table big enough for two. "Did he rent out the aquarium just to have dinner with me?" you think to yourself. The man leaves the room and Joseph pulls a chair out for you and helps you into your seat before he goes over to the other chair and sits down.

A waiter come out quickly and tells a quick wine list, and Joseph asks you to choose a bottle. You went with a nice red. "Good choice," Joseph says, "so is this an okay surprise for a first date? Or is it too much?" You look around the room which is breath taking with all the aquatic wild life swimming around. You look back at him and say, "this is perfect, this is the kind of date I used to always day dream that maybe one day I would get to experience. Thank you for doing this!" "Anything for you! I'm glad you like it!" He says, "the chef tonight has a special menu planned for us, and I can't wait to try new foods with you tonight!"

The waiter brings out the food, course after course and it's all amazing! You and Joseph talk between bites about everything, how fun the theme park earlier was to each other previous dating history. There isn't a slow moment in the conversation once. After the meal is done, he asks if you want to explore the aquarium a little. You both walk around for another hour looking at all the animals. "Would you like to head back to the hotel for dessert?" He asks with a playful grin. You smile back at him, nod, and take his hand.

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