So... you love me?

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**smut implied**


(Y/n POV)

You pull into the drive way of the cabin. It was about an hour drive out here and you are ready to spend quality time with Joseph. He gets out of the car and comes over to your door and opened it for you. He offers you his hand and you gladly take it. As soon as you are standing he starts to walk you towards the front door before he scoops you up in his arms. "Joseph!" You scream. "Put me down! What on earth are you doing?" He looks in your eyes and can't help but bust out laughing. "Sorry love, I just wanted to sweep you off your feet!" He says as your roll your eyes at him. He sets you down at the door and opens it for you.

You both go inside and explore the cabin, and unpack your things. Joseph has a zoom call with his assistant and agent so you make yourself busy in the kitchen and start to cook a nice dinner for the two of you. You decided to go with a classic and prepare steaks with caramelized onions and mushrooms. You also decide to make asparagus marinated in balsamic and some roasted potatoes. You set the table nicely and got out some red wine and pour yourself a glass to have while cooking.

You turn on some music and start to dance around the kitchen as your cook. You didn't hear Joseph come in and when you turn around you drop the potato you were peeling as you were startled. Joseph is standing at the entrance to the kitchen just watching you with a smile and trying not to laugh.

(Joseph's POV)

You just finished your zoom call when you hear y/n turn on music. You head out to the kitchen to find her. She's dancing around the kitchen and singing along to the music. She's so effortlessly beautiful, her hair is in a messy bun and she's wearing athletic shorts and one of my tshirts. You've always loved hearing her sing, especially when she's doing it for fun, it's more natural then when she performs. You lean against the door way and just watch her for a few moments, getting lost in your thoughts. "How on earth did I get this lucky? She picked me, out of all the men she could have, she picked me? I am completely in love with her!" You get snapped out of your thoughts when she spun around and let out a small scream, dropping the potato she was peeling.

You can't help but laugh a little.  "Sorry love, didn't mean to startle you." You say as you come into the kitchen and help her pick up what she dropped, "Can I help you with anything darling?" "I have dinner covered, but if you wanted to make us some drinks to have with it, I wouldn't say no." She replies. You make two filthy martinis and set them at the table as she is finishing up with dinner. You both sit at the table and enjoy the meal she made for you.

You share some laughs as you talk about events over the last six weeks together, however you can tell something is on her mind. She's a little quieter then normal. "Is everything alright love?" You ask her. She looks in your eyes and replies, "yes, well.. mostly. I'm just sad that this is our last night together for a while." "I know darling, but we can get through the distance and time apart." You say and before you could think about it you continue, "after all, that's how it works when two people love each other."

Did I just say that out loud? What if she doesn't feel the same way I do? You look back into her eyes a little alarmed that you just said that out loud. She's looking at you with a shocked expression on her face. "Love?" She asks. "Yes. I didn't mean to say that just now, not in that way at least. I wanted to tell you, but I wanted it to be special." You reply. "So... you love me?" You see a smile spread across her face when she asks that question.

You return the smile and say, "y/first and last/n, I am head over heels in love with you, and I have been since that first kiss in the pool." She gets up from the table and walks over to you before sitting on your lap. "Well, Mr. Quinn, I am completely in love with you." She says before leaning down and pressing her lips to yours. You both exchange kisses that slowly get more passionate. She breaks away from the kiss and offers you her hand, which you take following her into the bedroom.

Once inside the bedroom you can't control yourself, you want her and need her. You take her in your arms and lay her on the bed and continue the deep longing kisses. You start at her lips and trail them down her neck until you get to the top of the T-shirt. You lower your hands to the hem of the shirt and slowly lift it up over her head reveling a red lacy body suit underneath. "We're you planning on seducing me tonight y/n?" You ask with a devilish grin. She laughs before flipping you on your back and working on the buttons of your shirt. "Maybe!" She says with a smirk.

You both continue to rip each others clothes off and worship each others bodies. Something about the sex this time felt different, it was more passionate but at the same time the most tender it's ever been. The intimacy you both feel is not only physical but emotional. In the simplest terms, it was perfect!

You both lay in each other arms surrounded in the blissful euphoria that is your partner.

However, you know that you have to break this moment and talk about something serious. "Y/n," you start, "we should talk about tomorrow." She rolls over on to her stomach and locks her eyes on you, "yes we should. Our flight for LA leaves at 10am, then once we land we're going out separate ways." He voice is sadder now that we're talking about this but it's a conversation we need to have. "I am heading straight to my hotel from the airport before I have afternoon meetings , and you are going to meetings right?" You ask. "Yea, there should be a car picking me up and taking me to the studio, and dropping my assistant off at the hotel to get me situated."

You both finalize plans for tomorrow and throw on some clothes before going out to the kitchen and cleaning up the table. After that you decide to cuddle up on bed and watch a movie until you both fall asleep. This is a perfect way to end your 6 week vacation together and honestly you wish you could freeze this moment.

* authors note:
I am sorry it's been a few days since I've been able to update. Between work and school I have been swamped, and now we have Hurricane Ian coming in. I will post when I can but with the uncertainty of these storms I could lose power. Stay safe out there, and as always thank you for taking time to read

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