Hey, I'm just enjoying the view!

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(Y/n POV)

*Beep Beep Beep*

You roll over and reach for your phone that just went off. You see a text from a number you do not know.

Unknown: Good morning love! Its Joe Quinn. (You remember you gave him your phone number last night.)

You: Good morning! How did you sleep?

Quinn: Quite well, I had a really good dream. Yourself?

You: Surprisingly well.

Quinn: I know you said you wanted to sleep in, so I am sorry if I woke you. I wanted to let you know what we are all planning on arriving at the pool around 11:00am.

You: Don't worry, you didn't wake me. 11:00am is perfect. Which pool is it, I can meet you all there?

Quinn: Well.. I was actually wondering if you would like to walk down together. I can swing by your room at 10:45 to pick you up?

You: (He wants to pick me up, he really is a gentleman, isn't he?) 10:45 sounds perfect. Do I need to bring anything today?

Quinn: Only yourself, that's more than enough! 😉 See you soon!

You get out of bed and start to get ready. You decide on a red high waisted bikini it reveals just enough, but also hide your scar from the accident. You throw on a white tank top and some jean shorts over top. Some black flip flops and French braids complete the look. You grab your sunscreen and a black baseball cap to bring with. You hear a knock on your door. You answer the door and see Joseph standing there in Navy blue swim trunks, black flip flops and a white button-down T-shirt. Without planning it you almost match each other.

A big smile spreads across his face when he sees you open the door. "Wow, you look great! Are you ready to go love?" He asks. Every time he says that word it makes you blush and feel giddy. You return the smile and say, "Ready as I can be. Let's go!" You both walk to the lift and take the quick ride down to the lobby. The quiet pool they reserved isn't too far of a walk, you arrive there within 8 minutes. You two are the last to arrive and when you look around to see who all is here, you notice that its Keery, Gaten, and Jamie all with their significant others. "Is this a quadruple date or was I just invited so Joseph wouldn't be a 7th wheel?" you think to yourself. Either way you get to spend time with him.

He reaches down and takes your hand guiding you on to the pool deck and up to all the guests where he introduces you to everyone you don't't know. They are all very kind and almost immediately make you feel like part of their group. You notice that Joseph hadn't let go of your hand until he walked you over to two lounge chairs away from everyone where he stops and sets down his beach bag with towels and sunscreen and begins to take off his shirt to get ready to swim. You do the same and set your things on the other chair and kick off your flip flops.

You can't help but stare at him as he slowly undoes all the buttons of his shirt exposing his chest. You look away quickly and blush as you realized you were basically eye fucking him. You move your hands to the bottom of your tank top and pull it up over your head reveling the top of your red bikini. You then move your hands down to the button and zipper on your shorts before shimming them down your thighs until you are left in just your swimsuit. You look up and see that Joseph had also been staring at you because he quickly looked away when you made eye contact. "Was he just checking me out?" You smiled to yourself.

(Joseph's POV)

You reached down and took her hand guiding her on to the pool deck and around to everyone she hasn't met yet and introduced her to everyone. You hope she doesn't feel awkward when she realizes that they are all couples. Everyone is very kind and does their best to make her feel like part of the group. Without realizing it, you still have her hand held in yours. Once you get over to the two empty lounge chairs you stop, sadly release her hand, and set down your beach bag. You are ready to get in the water, so you start to take off your shirt to get ready to swim. She follows your lead and sets her things on the other chair and kicks off her flip flops.

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