Sweet dreams love!

251 9 1

(Y/n POV)


You roll over in bed and take a look at the clock, your alarm was set for 7:45 and 8:00am. You decided to go ahead and get out of bed and make yourself a big cup of coffee and review your schedule for the day ahead.

9:00am - leave for the studio to meet the band and work on the re-recording. Be there at 10:00am.

2:00pm - depart from the studio and head back to the hotel to change and catch a pargo ride to the sound stage to meet the cast and have a concept meeting.

3:30pm - concept meeting.

5:00pm - costume fitting and makeup trials.

8:00pm - blocking and rehearsal for tomorrows shoot.

12:30am - head back to the hotel and try to get some rest for first day of shooting tomorrow.

Your assistant was always very good about planning out your days and keeping you on schedule. But sometimes your days are so busy you don't have time for yourself, and today is one of those days. You enjoy your cup of coffee out on the balcony of your room. The silence is exactly what you needed before the chaos.

7:45am your alarm goes off and it's time to start getting ready. You decide on black yoga pants, white sneakers, and a grey Metallica T-shirt. You throw your hair up in a messy bun and apply some mascara, light eyeliner, and some lip gloss before grabbing your backpack and heading down to the lobby to meet up with your assistant and head to the studio.

It's not a long drive to the studio, you arrive at 9:45 and head inside to meet the band you will be working with. The receptionist leads you into a room where you meet the promo director. You make small talk while waiting for the band to arrive. You have no idea who you will be working with yet, and you are a little anxious about what song you will be recording.

The door to the room opens and in walks two men, both are attractive and look the part of a rockstar. You do a double take because you know who they are, it's Spencer and Ricky from Ice Nine Kills, who have been one of your favorite bands for years!

 You do a double take because you know who they are, it's Spencer and Ricky from Ice Nine Kills, who have been one of your favorite bands for years!

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"Hey, you are y/n! You were amazing in Was it all and Act, we're big fans!" Says Ricky with a smile and a handshake. "Yea, it's crazy to be meeting a real-world scream queen," Spencer says, "also, we heard your recording from Heathers: The Musical, we're excited to be working with you."

"Holy s***! One of your favorite bands actually knows who you are, and they are fans!" You can't believe this.

"Spencer, Ricky. It's so awesome to meet you both. I'm a huge fan of yours! Silver Scream Pt 1 and 2 are some of my favorite albums." You say, trying not to fan girl too hard. "Ahh, so you probably already know the song we're going to re-record with you today then, "Your Numbers Up"?" Spencer asks. You respond, "yes, I love that song." "Perfect, let's get to it then!" Ricky adds.

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