So many fans, so little time

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(Y/n POV)

You woke up a little while ago and did not want to get out of bed. Today is the first day of MegaCon and you are stressed out and nervous about how the day will go. This will be your first con and your first official meet and greets with your fans, you don't even know if anyone will come out to meet you. You wish you could just lay in bed all day, but you know you need to get up and face your fears.

You get out of bed and head to the closet to pick out an outfit for today. Something comfy, cute, and casual as you will be sitting down for hours signing things and then spending hours taking photos with people. You decide to go with some jean shorts, a tank top and a long cardigan to go over it with some white sneakers. You leave your hair down because it dried with a nice wave after your bath last night and you do a simple and natural makeup look.

You head down to the lobby early and grab a coffee and breakfast sandwich while you wait for everyone else to be ready to go. Your text your best friends to see what time they will get there because you know they have tickets to come to MegaCon this weekend. They are coming to support you and you cannot wait to see them, at least you know you will have two visitors!

After about 45 minutes everyone else is down in the lobby and sitting with you eating their breakfasts before its time to go. Joseph and you sit next to each other on the van ride over to the convention center. He has his arm around your shoulders pulling you into his side as close as he can. It's nice to be this close to him, but you still have that conversation from yesterday with Gaten stuck in your head, "What are we?" you think to yourself.

The van arrives at the convention center, and you are separated from the group as they go to do their meet and greets at one end of the large room, and you are on the opposite end. Before they let everyone in to start you check your phone one last time, knowing you won't be able to for the next few hours. You have two texts one from your friend, Sarah and the other from Joesph.

Sarah: Hey sweetie! We just parked the car and are in line to come into the meet and greets, we can't wait to see you! Also, Katie bought tickets to meet Joseph. So, like are you two dating?

Y/n: Hey! Can't wait to see you too! And no, well I don't know. I want to talk to him about it, but I won't have time to today. See you soon!

Quinn: Good luck today beautiful! You will be great! Maybe I can sneak away around lunch time and come see you?

Y/n: Hey! Thanks! I'm nervous. I would love that, but I have a feeling you are going to be very busy today Mr. Quinn! So many fans, so little time! I will talk to you later!

The doors open and swarms of people enter the large room. They have tables set up lining one wall where all the guest stars are seated and then have long line queues set up for each of us. The fans all hustle to get into the lines of their favorite stars to get things signed and have a chance to meet their favorite celebrities. You see huge lines forming for all the stranger things guys and some of the other celebrities right away. You start to think you are right and the only visitors you will have today with be Katie and Sarah who make a b-line straight to your table.

They approach your table, and you can't help but smile and stand to hug them! They have you sign a photo for them, which is silly because they have a million pictures of you together but still, it's a nice gesture. You talk with them for a little while until the staff member approaches and tells you that you might want to wrap up the conversation because you have a line forming. You look up and see that you do in fact have a pretty decent line now waiting for you. You are shocked. Sarah and Katie don't take offence to being hurried by the staff because they know this is a great chance for you to meet your other fans. They take the photos you signed for them and head out to go meet some of the other celebrities.

Your fans come up one at a time and you have some nice short conversations with them all as they meet you. You keep looking at the line and see that it keeps growing. You are in awe that this many people want to meet you. You completely lose track of time as the line of fans make their way up to meet you and then move on. After a while the staff cuts off the line so that you will have a chance to take a lunch break before having to go out to another room to do photo ops with those fans.

You are escorted to a quiet area where you will be able to chill out and unwind for a bit and enjoy some lunch. You grab a water and some of the snacks that they set out for you and take a seat on the couch to look through you see a text from Sarah.

Sarah: Did you see how long the line to meet you was? How did it go? How are you feeling?

Y/n: I did. It's so crazy, I didn't think people were going to know who I was or want to meet me. It went well, and I'm less stressed now. I have the photo ops coming up in about a half hour!

Sarah: You got this! So... We meet Joseph. He's really cute! I can see why you like him. We also saw him keep looking down in your direction, I think he was checking to make sure you were okay!

Y/n: No, he didn't, did he?

Sarah: Yes! Anyway, enjoy your break, we will see you shortly for our picture!

You sit there for a while longer eating your snacks before a staff member come back in to let you know you have about 10 more minutes before you have to be ready to go out for photos. You take this time to make sure you still look okay and then you are ready to go back out. You are escorted to another room where there is a long queue of fans already lined up to take photos with you. You see that none of the other celebrities are in here to do their photo ops yet, they must have had longer lines to get though the meet and greets or be on their breaks still.

You take your spot in front of the camera and they start to send fans up to you one at a time to get their photos taken. Its quicker than the meet and greets and after a while your face hurts so much from all the smiling. Some of the other celebrities have come back from breaks and are now taking photos with their fans, Jamie and Gaten are at the stations on both sides of you and give you a reassuring wave as they come in. You haven't seen Joseph since this morning's van ride. You feel your phone vibrate in your pocket a few times signaling you are getting a phone call. It distracts you a little bit, but you try to focus on the fans Infront of you, it'll have to wait until you get on another break.

The photo ops go on for a few hours and your line is completely gone while everyone else still has fans. You ask to go outside because after a stressful day like today you need a hit off your vape pen. You get outside and take a hit before getting out your phone to see who called. You notice it was your agent, Maryanne, she didn't leave a voicemail, but you have a text from her saying to call her. You can't help but think to yourself that you didn't get the part. You take a deep breath and call her back.

She answers on the first ring. "Y/n, how are you today dear? How's MegaCon going?" She asks. You tell her all about the event and how surprised you were that you had so many fans waiting to meet you. Then you ask, "Maryanne, you asked me to call, is everything okay?" She responds, "Well that depends on how you feel about being on a movie set for 8 months? You got the part in Marvels next film, if you want it that is." You let out a verbal scream as you are so excited you can't contain it. "Is that a, yes?" She asks. "Of course, it's a yes. When do I leave?" "You are in Orlando until the 26th doing MegaCon and then going to Halloween Horror Nights opening night on the 24th, Then you have 6 weeks until you need to be in Ontario to film. I will start working on setting up your apartment and travel plans." She says, "Take some time for you, visit with friends or family for those 6 weeks, I will make sure we don't schedule you for any appearances."

You get off the phone and call Sarah and Katie and make plans to leave MegaCon with them to grab drinks and celebrate! You text the group chat letting Keery, Joseph, Jamie, and Gaten know that you will be getting back to the hotel later than them because you are spending time with some friends, and they shouldn't wait for you. You wanted to talk to Joseph but were too excited about this news not to celebrate!

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