I'm sorry I tricked you!

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(Joseph's POV)

You were to excited to sleep! Today is the day! You are going to ask y/n to marry you and you planned a big way to do so with the help of your families. You got up and had some breakfast before you texted her best friend, Sarah and Katie, around 6:00am.

They both had y/n over for a sleep over last night after a full spa day, complete with manicures. The plan is for breakfast to arrive at their house along with a hairstylist to do all their hair before they go to Universal to start the scavenger hunt you planned, which you disguised as as a promo photo shoot with the theme park.

Quinn: Good morning ladies! I just wanted to check in and see if she suspects anything? Also, breakfast should be arriving at 7:00am along with Kelly, the stylist!

Katie: I don't think she has any idea. Good work planning this.

Sarah: what time should we get her to the park?

Quinn: plan on arriving around 9:30. I have a tour guide meeting you all at City Walk, by Voodoo Doughnuts and that's when she will get the first clue for the hunt!

Katie and Sarah: "liked the above text" 👍🏻👍🏻

With her friends ready and getting her to the park it's time to get the families up and moving. Each clue today will lead her to a different family member(s) each with a single red rose. Then the last stop will be you, with a question and a ring!

(Y/n POV)


"Good morning sunshine!" Sarah and Katie yells.
You respond, "why are you both so wide awake this morning?" "Come out here and have some breakfast with us, we made strong coffee!" Katie says. You head out to the kitchen where you see a full breakfast spread and some coffee. You also see someone you don't recognize. "Hi, you must be y/n." She says, "I'm Kelly, I'm here to do your hair for the shoot today!"

You grab a cup of coffee and a bagel before sitting down in the chair for her to get to work on your hair. Kelly works on your hair and all of you girls talk about the day and how excited you are to be asked to be in the Universal promo shoot. Before you know it, you are ready to go! You say goodbye to Kelly and get into Sarahs car to head to the park. You are meeting your guide for the day in City Walk and don't want to be late.

(Outfit inspo for this day)

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(Outfit inspo for this day)

You meet up with you guide at 9:35 and they hand you an envelope. Inside there is a note that says:

"Good morning love!
I'm sorry I tricked you, but today is all about you! I miss you, and wish I could be there with you today. So instead I have recruited some friends to help you with a little scavenger hunt. Today you will receive clues taking you to all the places that are special to me. In order to get this started, you need to make your way to the place where I first "fell" with you.

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