My, my, chivalry really isn't dead.

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-trigger warning. Mentions of PTSD-

(Josephs POV)


You know it's not a long walk back to the hotel from the club you are at, but this is the first time the two will really be alone together. The sidewalk runs alongside the lake where the water taxis travel for the theme parks, you can hear the small waves crashing from the boat that just passed. You look over at Y/n and notice her give another small shiver. You take off your suit jacket and offer it for her. "Here, you look cold." you say. "She looks at you then down at the jacket and gives you a small smile and nod before you place it over her shoulders, as you step closer to her you realize how incredible she smells. She had just been dancing for hours in a hot and sweaty club, yet she still smelled of champagne and peach. It was intoxicating to be this close to her. Everything about her drew you in, you needed to know more about her and be close to her.

Her voice interrupts your chain of thought. "Thank you for the jacket," she said, "I will never understand how I can still get cold, even when I'm in Florida. My roommate used to make fun of me when I lived here because I would always have a jacket with me." She gave off a small giggle at the memory. "How did you like living here?" You ask, wanting to keep her talking. "It was great, I had good friends and two jobs that I really loved but everything happens for a reason, right?" She seemed sad when thinking about her life here. For a moment she was gone, lost in thoughts, but as quickly as she was gone, she came right back. "Tell me about London, what's it like? I have never been." She asked me with a small smile and look of interest.

You tell her all about London and your life there, telling her all the places she has to see and food she has to try. Talking with her is so easy and before you know it, you can see the hotel in sight. You start to get sad as you know your time alone is about to come to an end for the night. Before you could say anything to try to buy more time with her, she stops and asks, "Are you ready to go back or would you like to join me for a late-night cup of coffee?" It's almost like she read your mind. "Are you sure?" You ask, "I know you have a busier day tomorrow then I do, I don't want to keep you up too late." She looked at you with that smile, the one from her headshot, slightly devious like she is planning on making trouble. That smile of hers is dangerous. "Yes, I am sure. To be honest I am really enjoying talking with you tonight, and I would like to continue this conversation, but only if you are up for it." You reply, "Absolutely!"

(Y/n POV)


It's not a long walk back to the hotel alongside the lake but the wind off the water makes the night air a little chillier, you can't help but shiver a little. Joseph must have noticed because before you could even rub your arms for warmth, he had his jacket off and presented to you. "Here, you look cold." he says." You look down at the jacket and give him a smile and nod. He takes a step closer to you while helping you put on his jacket. You can smell his cologne on the jacket and coming from him, he smells so divine. How can one man smell this unbelievably good, his natural musk is also present, and you get lost as his scent surrounds you.

You feel like you have been lost in thought noticeably long so you break the silence. "Thank you for the jacket," you said, "I will never understand how I can still get cold, even when I'm in Florida. My roommate used to make fun of me when I lived here because I would always have a jacket with me." You giggle at the memory. "How did you like living here?" He asks, keeping the conversation going, "It was great, I had good friends and two jobs that I really loved but everything happens for a reason, right?"

You get a flash back to your accident and it takes hold of you, almost like you are back on that day. You know from therapy that these flashes happen, and you are safe now, but they never get easier to go through.

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