I don't want to say goodbye to you.

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(Y/n POV)

You both wake up to your alarm and get ready to go to the airport. It's sad to know that the only time you have left with each other is the flight to LA then you will head your separate ways for about 8months. Your relationship is still so new, only having bee together for around 2 months officially at this point. However you have spent almost every minute of every day together that it feels like you have known each other your entire lives.

Everything is packed and you are ready to make your way to the airport. "Time to go dear." You say to Joseph who looks as sad as you feel. "Yes, love, it is." He replies and takes both of your suitcases out to the car. You lock up the cabin and make your way to the car.

It takes a 30 minute car ride to make it to the airport. Security meets you and escorts you through security and to a lounge where you can wait in private until your plane is boarding. You both call your assistants to verify details for when you arrive in LA. Before you know it security is back to being you to your gate. As you make your way through the airport fans of Joseph and yours are hounding you both asking for autographs and pictures. You both try to stay as calm and friendly as you can while security keeps you moving. Shortly after you are seated on the plane it takes off.

Joseph and you decide to watch a movie and try to enjoy the last few hours you have together before you will have to say goodbye. Unfortunately it's a short plane ride as just as you are finishing your movie, the flight attendant lets you know it's time to land. Landing goes smoothly and you both exit the plan and walk hand and hand, along with security out to baggage claim where you both see your assistants waiting for you. You greet them both and make your way outside.

Joseph walks you to your car and pulls you in for a tight hug. "I don't want to say goodbye to you." He says as he kisses the top of your head. You reply, "I don't want to either darling, but it's only 8 months and we have FaceTime!" You look up at his face and can see he's holding back emotion. You give him a small reassuring smile, trying to make this goodbye hurt less. "Call me when you get a break in your meetings? Maybe we can set up time to grab dinner our days end?" He asks. You both have busy days and don't know when you will both be finished for the night, or if you are even staying near each other. "I will call the moment I get a chance! I love you, Mr. Quinn!" You tell him. "I love you, Y/full/n."

He lifts your chin and pulls you in for a passionate kiss. Unfortunately it gets interrupted by fans and your assistants. You both give one last kiss and hug then go your separate ways.

-time jump-

You arrive at the studio and head inside for your first meeting, which is with the director. You both talk about your character and her struggles. You find out that you are playing a villain, and it's you and the hero's origin stories in this movie. To you this means you will get to work with the actor playing the hero again in the future so you hope it is someone you will work well with, but it also means that none of the other MCU actors will be here. So no meeting Sebastian Stan. 🥺

After that meeting you call Joseph, but he doesn't answer so you send him a quick text.

Y/n: hello darling! I just finished my first meeting! I'm really excited about this project! Let me know how your day is going when you have a chance. Xoxo. 😘

You grab a quick lunch on the cafeteria before your next meeting starts. You are excited because you will get to meet the hero of the story and your costar for a chemistry read!

(Joseph's POV)

You arrives at the hotel shortly after saying your goodbyes. It doesn't take long your you to unpack a little and get situated. You assistant is running you through your schedule for the day and you didn't realize just how packed your day was going to be. She hurries you along  and calls for the car to pick you up and take you to the studio for your meeting with the director.

It's a short drive to the studio and the meeting starts almost as soon as you walk in. Everyone is very kind to you and they all make you feel very welcome. The director tells you the whole story of your character, you will be playing the hero! The entire movie sounds like a lot of fun, and the villain sounds complex and their story together is heartbreaking. After the director is done talking about the story he asks you if you are ready to meet your costar. You can't not wait to meet the actress who will play her!

The director walks you to another conference room where a few other actors are waiting around a table. You introduce yourself to a few and check your phone. You see the missed call and text from Y/n. You send her a quick reply.

Joseph: hey love! I can't wait to hear about your project! I am also very excited about mine, the story is heartbreaking but beautiful! I'm stepping into another meeting but I will call when I finish this one! I love you! Xo!

Once you hit send you hear the door open and you look up to see the director walk back into the room along with who you assume is one of your costars. It didn't resister at first and you had to do a double take. It's y/n! You make eye contact and both of you smile from ear to ear! How are you lucky enough to be working on the same project! The director asks you all to find your seats at the table where your name card is. You and Y/n are seated across from each other.

The director has each of you stand and introduce yourself and name your character. You find out that y/n is playing opposite you. You play lovers to enemies. While going through the script you each steal glances at each other! The dead through goes really well and the director is happy with the chemistry between the two of you and he dismisses the cast to go for the night. Your assistants each have your schedules for tomorrow and are working with the production team to set up travel plans to get you both to Ontario in three days to begin shooting.

You walk over to y/n and pull her in for a hug! "Well this is a really nice surprise!" You tell her.
"Yes it is! Looks like we didn't have to be so dramatic when saying goodbye earlier!" She jokes back to me. "How about we get out of here and grab some dinner?" You ask. She replies with a nod and offers you her hand. You go out and grab some tacos with your assistants and discuss travel plans and living arrangements.

You decided to rent one large 4 bedroom house near production because you want to stay with each other and that gives you and each of the assistants a room, plus one for guests.

You spent the rest of the night talking about the project and how excited you are to spend the next eight months working and living together!

**authors note: well we are coming to the end of this story. Maybe one or two chapters left. I have enjoyed writing this out, and am debating writing another story. If you have been with me since the start of this story, thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoyed the story! If you are just joining us, thank you for taking the time to read! I appreciate all the reads and hope that you have enjoyed this story! I will write the next chapter(s) as I can. I did lose power due to hurricane Ian and will be doing recovery work the next few days, but I will update as soon as I can.

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