but what exactly are we?

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(Joseph's POV)

You wake up to a phone call from your agent letting you know that you officially have the part you auditioned for over zoom on 8.17.24. You are so excited to have booked another job and this one is one of dreams! You get out of bed and make yourself some breakfast because you are going to need it. Today will be a long day full of interviews. You have a solo interview right away this morning then you have the Stranger Things panel after lunch. After breakfast you get dressed and head out to meet up with everyone to go back to MegaCon.

Y/n won't be riding with you there today because she ended up staying at her friends last night and had to be there for interviews earlier then you. The two of you haven't spoken much between yesterday and today. You try to tell yourself that she's just really busy, that she isn't losing interest in you.

You make it to MegaCon and get ready for your interviews which go over smoothly for the morning. Lots of questions about Eddie and if you'll be seen in season 5. You get asked about your current projects and anything you have upcoming, which you can't really talk about.

You deflect all of the questions with ease until they start asking about your love life. That's a complicated subject right now because you don't know where you stand with y/n. You want to be more then friends with her, but you've only been on a few dates. You don't even know if she's interested in you like that.

You some how manage to dodge those questions too and it's time for lunch. A much needed break. The break space they set up is a tiny room with curtains for walls with some tables set up. You enter the room and see the rest of the guys at one table sitting down enjoying some pizza with y/n. You grab a water and join them sitting by Jamie and Keery, across from Y/n.

She sees you sit down and gives you a big smile. You return the smile and start asking everyone how their interviews are going. Everyone seems to be having a good morning so far. You all sit and chat for a while until Jamie asks y/n and you if you'd like to go outside and have a smoke before the group panel. You both say yes and head out.

Outside the three of you chat about the rest of the days schedule. You and Jamie just have the Stranger Things panel and y/n has a sci-fi panel to do with some other actors. Jamie finish's his cigarette then leaves to go get ready for the panel and it's just you and Y/n left outside. She looks kind of nervous.

"Hey love, are you doing okay?" You ask. She's quiet. "You can talk to me if something is wrong." You tell her. She responds, "I know, I've just been thinking." Oh no, where is this going, you think to yourself. "We've been hanging out a lot and then we had a few dates. I like you a lot, but what exactly are we?" She asks.

I swear it's like she reads your mind because you have been thinking about this the last few days as well. You say, "I like you a lot too darling, and I would like to talk about this later, when we have more time if that's alright. Can we have dinner together tonight?" She gives you an unsure look, but she agrees. "Tonight then. 7:00pm?" You respond, "7:00pm is perfect!"

You both go back inside and to your respective panels. They both go over smooth, it's mostly the same questions that you were asked earlier, with the exception of one. A younger woman, maybe in her early 20's gets up to the mic and addresses you. Her question is, "you have been seen spending a lot of time with another celebrity that's here at MegaCon this last week, photos have been all over social media. Even today you were seen having a serious discussion with her outside, so I guess what we all want to know is if you are dating Y/n?"

That's a pretty blunt question, but one you hope you will know the answer to tonight. How am I going to deflect this question without sounding horrible incase she sees it.

You answer, "yes I have been seen with y/n a lot this last week, we just filmed a project together and we have been getting to know each other. We've only just met a few days ago and we've become close quickly. We are both very private people who do not share our dating life with the public, so it's easy to see where the idea that we could be dating could come from. Any man would be lucky to be dating her."

I was hoping that by talking for a little bit, but not really answering it would make her assume I answered the question and we could move on. It seemed to work. I wonder if she's being asked similar questions. Luckily the interview ended about 15 minutes later and you were done for the day. You all got in the van and headed back to the hotel, y/n fell asleep on the seat next to you with her head on your shoulder on the drive back. She looked exhausted.

You arrived back at the hotel and hated to wake her but you needed to. You all make your way back into the hotel and back to your suites. You have just a few hours before you and y/n will be getting together to talk. You asked her to meet you at your room at 7:00pm and she agrees before going back to her room for a nap.

You get right to work once you are back in your room. You plan on cooking her dinner in your suite. You called down to the front desk and had them bring up some ingredients for you, you are going to make a simple salad and a family recipe you make with your mom all the time when you are home. You hope she will like it. Before you know it it's 7:00pm and there is a knock on the door. You answer it and she's standing there, dressed in a long flowing skirt and a crop top. She looks amazing!

You invite her in and pull out a chair for her then put there dinner you made on the table. "This looks and smells absolutely amazing!" She says. "Thank you, it's a family recipe. My mom makes it better then I do, but still it's a nice little bit of home when I'm not there." You both eat and enjoy each other's company for a little while. Once you are finished she gets up and clears the table and you get up to do the dishes. Once it's all cleaned up you both take your glasses of wine over to the couch to talk.

"So... earlier today, you asked what are we? To be honest with you, I don't know what we are." You start. "Well, what would you like us to be?" She asks. You look down nervous about what you are about to say. You take a deep breath and look back in her eyes, "I would like to be more then your friend y/n." You sit there keeping eye contact waiting for a response. "Joseph, I also want to be more then friends. I want to be yours, I've wanted to be yours since the day I met you."

You let out a sigh of relief and can't help but let a huge smile spread across your face when she says that. You can't hold it back, you have to ask, "so does that mean you will be girlfriend?" She places her hands around the back of your neck and pulls you in pressing her lips to yours. She pulls back, looks deep into your eyes, "yes!" She replies! You lean in and kiss her, deeply and passionately! This continues for a while before you both come up for air.

You hadn't realized how long you'd been talking and kissing but it's gotten late. She decides she should go back to her suite for the night because you both have to be up early for tomorrows last day of MegaCon. You say your good nights and decide to call your parents to tell them all of your good news, you've been cast in an upcoming Marvel film and you finally have a girlfriend!

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