I'm in love with this man

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(Y/n POV)

Your alarm starts blaring on the nightstand, stirring your from your dreams. You realize what today is and you pop out of bed with excitement! You'll be leaving for the airport in an hour with Joseph to make your way to his home in London! You can believe it! You hurry into the bathroom and take a quick shower before putting on some grey yoga pants and an oversized black hoodie. You put your wet hair in two French braids and finish the look with your white sneakers and black baseball cap. You do a quick once over of the room making sure everything is packed before going out to the kitchenette to make a cup of coffee to go.

A few minuets after the coffee is brewed you hear a light knock on the door and see Joseph and Jamie. "Good morning gentleman!" You great them. "Good morning love!" Joseph responds. "Do you have anymore coffee darling?" Jamie asks. You hand over your cup and return to the coffeemaker to make another cup for yourself. As soon as it's done the three of you grab your bags and head down to the lobby to catch your car to the airport. All three of you are on the same flight and will get to spend the whole day together.

After getting through security and checking your bags the three of you make your way to a quiet lounge to wait to board your plane. Jamie and Joseph are talking about things they can't wait to do when they get home and you are reading some work emails. Your manager has sent you the information for where you will be staying while on set and flight information. She also sent you some appointment times and meetings you will have for your first week before flying to Ontario to film. It's a lot, but that's too be expected from Marvel I guess.

Joseph notices you being quiet and comes to sit by you. He placed hills his arm around your back and pulls you in to his chest. "Everything alright love?" He asks. "Yes, just saw where I will be living while working and saw my schedule for the first week, it's going to be a lot." You respond. He give you a nod and a kiss on the head. Jamie comes over to the two of you and tells you that it's time to go to the gate because the flight is boarding.

Joseph takes your hand and the three of you exit the lounge, airport security meeting you outside the door. Quite a crowd had formed when you all were spotted this morning and everyone wants a picture or autograph. Security is able to keep the crowds under control as you make your way to the gate and are the last to board the plane. The three of you are in first class, the first three seats on the plane. Joseph and you are on one side together and Jamie is across the aisle. It's a smooth 9ish hour flight, which you slept through, resting your head on Joseph.

When you land the three of you are escorted through the airport and meet up with Joseph and Jamie's assistants who arranged to have your bags picked up and cars to take you where you are going. You both say goodbye to Jamie and get in the car. You call your parents to let them know you made it to London safely and you will send pictures and updates!

Joseph has the whole three weeks planned out, where you will go, what you will see, what foods he wants you to try. But most of all he has tons of plans made with his friends and family so that you can get to know them! Every time he introduces you to someone new he proudly says, "this is y/n, my girlfriend!" Or some variation but he says it in a way that makes him seem so proud that you are his. No one has ever made you feel like that before.

Before you know it, you feel like part of the family. His mom teaches you some of the family recipes and his siblings include you in activities with them. You have inside jokes with all of his friends. You can see it all over Joseph's face when you are with his loved ones, how much he cares about them. You have never seen him happier.

Sadly the three weeks go by so quickly and you honestly don't want to leave, but you are excited to introduce him to your family. You spend your last night in London with his family and friends having a small going away party.


You both get out of bed and start to get ready to head back to the states. You have another 9ish hour flight today back to the states, this time to southern Wisconsin, where you are originally from. Joseph goes into the kitchen and starts to make you both breakfast as you get showered and dressed in comfy clothes to travel in. After you are ready you join him in the kitchen and start making both of you coffee and take over breakfast duty so he can get ready. Once he is ready you both sit down and enjoy the food and talk about the next three week and what you have planned.

Since it's the fall you can't wait to take him to a pumpkin patch and to the apple orchard. Your family is so excited to meet him, they have loved getting to chat with him over FaceTime the few times you called home, and they have seen all the photos of the two of you but they are ready to meet him in person. Especially your nieces and nephews, those kiddos are going to be the hard ones to impress because you are their favorite aunt!

You both grab your bags and head to the airport. Getting checked in and through security goes smoothly and you arrive to the gate as the flight just started boarding. Luckily no one has really noticed you are there so you don't have the mob scene you had at the Orlando airport. Joseph asks you tons of questions during the flight about your family and you can tell he's a little nervous to meet them. At some point you both fell asleep on this flight because the flight attendant comes by and startled you out of your sleep to let you know the plane is ready to land. You wake Joseph and 20 minutes later you are on the ground.

Your dad and one of your brothers is picking you up from the airport along with your assistant. Once you see them you run into their arms for a huge hug. It had been almost two years since you had seen your brother and you hadn't seen your dad in months. Joseph come up behind you and after the hug is finished you introduce him to them and they do the typical midwestern dad and brother thing of being over protective. This makes Joseph even more nervous as they keep it up until you are all in the car. Once he realizes your family was messing with him he relaxes.

It can be overwhelming to meet your family. You are one of six kids and you are almost all grown now with families of your own, with the exception of your youngest sister. You weren't expecting to see your youngest or oldest sisters as they live together out in Seattle, however, they decided to fly into town to surprise you. So Joseph will being meeting your whole family!

Everyone makes an effort to make him feel included, you dad and brothers take him with when they go out golfing. Your mom and sisters all ask him questions, they are trying to seem interested, but they just live the sound of his voice. Your sister in law tells you how lucky you are, she also had a crush of him because of stranger things. Your nieces and nephews adore him and always ask him to play, and he always says yes!

You are sitting at a table with your sisters and mom while the guys are grilling and Joseph is playing a game with all the kids and you can't help it. You think out loud, "I'm in love with this man." You haven't realized you said it out loud until your sisters all look at you and almost in unison say, "well duh!" "It's obvious!" "The way the two of you look at each other, any fool can see it!" You blush a little bit they are right, you have been in love with Joseph for a while now, but you haven't told him yet.

Joseph must have heard the excitement coming from your table, because he came over and kissed the top of your head. "Ladies, what's all the excitement about over here?" He says. You look up at him with a smile and say, "oh nothing darling! Don't worry, just girl talk." He gives you a confused smile but says, "okay love, if you say so!"

You both have one more day left here before you both must head your separate ways to work on your projects, neither of you are allowed to tell anyone what it is yet. All you know is you will be spending 8 months apart from each other.

You planned a nice quiet date night for the two of your for tomorrow night. If it's going to be your last night together for a while, you need to make it count. You booked a cabin right outside of the city for the two of you, and you plan on cooking him a nice dinner and telling him that you love him. You also bought some spicy clothing to wear in the bedroom so that he really remembers you while you go your separate ways. You just hope that you'll be able to figure out a way to make this work while you are apart, because at this point you are all in!

**sorry if this part seemed rushed. I have not done a deep dive into his family out of respect for him as a person, and I also did not want to dive too deep into my family as this is all based off of one of my reoccurring day dreams. Hopefully they can find a way to make their relationship work while they are apart?! Or maybe they won't have to!

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