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Hyunjin's POV

"Hey Felix!" I yelled across the parking lot, "have you seen the house yet?" Felix shook his head "Chan just wrote it was somewhere near here." "Shit" Cursing I dropped my bag on the way.

Today was a special day, because all of us moved together to a villa. The others were already there waiting for us. Felix and I still had to go grab some things, wich caused us to be late. I was excited to live together with the other members and finally I would not have to get up so early to get to our meetings in time. For me, it was great to live together, 'cause now either all of us or none would be to early or late.

Pulling his Suitcase, Felix came to me and showed me something on his phone. It was a picture of a huge, modern villa. It had five floors and on the upper fours were balconys.

On the first floor was the kitchen, the living room, in where a big table stood so we could also eat there, a gym and also a sauna. The other floors were build identically. All of them had one big room with a kingsized bed and a bathroom next to it. In addition every floor had one room with cozy reading corners and many more things that would save me from being bored.

Felix sighed and interrupted my thoughts:"I really have no idea where we should go" "Have you tried calling Chan?" I asked him and he face palmed "Why couldn't I think of that myself?!" I chuckled and looked at him, dialling Chan's number and waiting for someone to answer his call.

As soon as Chan did his face lighted up and he said:"Hi Channie! Hyunnie and I are at the parking lot and we don't know where we are supposed to go." I couldn't understand what Chan answered, but Felix was listening attentive and nodded from time to time. When he hung up the call, he looked around and turned to me. "We just have to follow that way." With these words he pulled me to a small path, that went around some trees.

I collected my bags and went after him. After a few minutes we arrived on a clearing, wich had our new house on it. "Wow" We were standing amazed infront of it when suddenly the door opened. Changbin and Chan exited and came towards us. I saw how a big smile was forming on Felix's face and he took a few steps to hug Changbin.
At this sight my stomach started to hurt. Had I eaten already today?

I was probably just hungry.

Fast I went past them to Chan. "How does it go?" He rolled with his eyes and said."We can only hope that Seungmin and Jisung aren't destroying the whole furniture right now." I grinned, even though his worries were serious; those two were sometimes really crazy. Then he took my bag and carried it, regardless of my protest, inside.

Soon after, we gathered together in the living room, arguing about who was sleeping together. I didn't really care, since I like and appreciate each member. "Let's just loose" suggested Minho suddenly. Everyone seemed to be comfortable with that idea so Minho, Seungmin, Changbin and I had to draw notes.

On the fourth floor were Minho and Jisung living from now on, on the third Seungmin and Jeongin, on the second Changbin with Chan and on the first me with...


Hello and welcome to my first story.
I hope you'll like this Hyunlix fanfiction.



Hello from me as well. Since English is not
my first language I wanted to ask
you guys to tell me if there's any major
mistake. I hope you like the translation


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