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Felix POV

Shit, why did I have to be such a crybaby? And why did I feel guilty for saying those things to Hyunjin? I wanted to wipe my tears away, but before I could do that, I felt a warm, soft hand on my cheek.
Hyunjin started to carefully wipe the tears from it. I was frozen, only my heart doubled its beats pace.
But the he pulled his hand back and the skin he had just touched felt cold. Hyunjin cleared his throat. "Can't we just forget what happened and be friends again?" he asked quietly.

"I miss you" he then added. Warmth ran through me as I heard those words. "Yes, we can" I responded. But I meant only the second part of his request, since I couldn't forget this easily. I could hear him sigh relieved and in the next moment I felt his arms around me. Hwang fucking Hyunjin was hugging me!
And it felt unbelievable good. It felt, as if my whole body was melting in his arms.

Too quickly he broke the hug, stood up, patted my shoulder and wished me a good night while passing by me.
I was too perplexed to answer him and only after he had been gone already for a few minutes I stood up as well and went upstairs to Changbin's room. I suddenly felt so tired, as if I'd feel the stress of the last weeks only now. When I arrived in the room, I fell in the bed immediately.

This night I dreamed about Hyunjin...



A sweet little fillerchapter for you ^^


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