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Felix's POV

We were finally done. In so long we haven't had any meeting as long and exhausting as this was. Our suspecting were right, for about three months, we'd have to prepare for the knew comeback. Channie, Binnie and Sungie would have even more work than us others, since they were producing and writing our songs. I would help them tho, but I'm just not as talented as them.

For today I've had enough thoughts about work, now I was looking forward on my Afternoon with Hyunjin. Since I started including him in my activities with the others, he got much more open and suggested some of those himself.

As I stood infront of my closet, I suddenly panicked. What should I wear? And why did I even think of it like that? I was just normally hanging out with a friend. When I heard Changbin's voice I sighed relieved. He was my savior. "Changbin" I yelled "Yeah?" came his answer back "Can you maybe help me?"

I heard a few voices, Changbin's was one of them, then he came upstairs. "How can I help you, my prince" he said jokingly wich made me laugh. A part of the tension fell from my shoulders. "I don't know what I should wear" I admitted. He raised his eyebrow and smirked knowingly, but I didn't know what he seemed to think to know.

"What are you guys doing" he then asked "It's supposed to be a surprise, so I won't tell you, since you'd tell the others immediately." I laughed and he muttered something of wich I could only understand the words "unfair" and "always me". "Awww, poor Binnie" I said, still laughing and patted his shoulder. I teased him a little more and he hit my arm friendly. "Be careful or I won't help you" he threatened. Okay, I'd have to concentrate.

While I had still been still sorting my thoughts, Changbin had already entered my closet and looked through my clothes. "I think this one's good, together with this and this over it and done." He pulled several pieces out of my closet and layered them on our bed. I tried the things on and had to admit, that they looked quite cool and casual. Changbin had decided for a white shirt with black lettering, also a black leatherjacket and leatherpants.

I was nervously waiting for Hyunjin. It was the first time we were doing something alone. Hopefully my clothes would be good. But when Hyunjin entered our room, my fears evaporated and I smiled at him.
Just a few seconds later my mouth dropped in surprise.

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