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Felix's POV

"Felix" Hyunjin read my name of the note. Somehow I did not expect Hyunjin to get me. Basically that's no problem, but I know the other members much better, since Hyunjin doesn't really let anyone near him.

Changbin tapped my side softly and looked at me worried "Are you okay?" I smiled at him and nodded.

From the side of my eye I could see how Hyunjin made his way upstairs and I followed him slowly. When I arrived at our door, I stood there and looked over the room.

It was very beautiful and I almost squealed but then I held back because I didn't really know what he'd do or think. In one moment he laughed and joked along with the others and in the next he looked withdrawn and sad.

I forced myself to stop thinking about this. Why did I even think so much about him? Annoyed by myself I entered the luxurious room and threw my suitcase on the left side of the bed. On the right side were already clothes and a few of Hyunjin's necklaces lying.

"May I use the upper closets?" he suddenly asked and I turned around to him. His had tilted his head and smiled at me. That smile...

"Uhm, sure, you can have 'em" I mumbled. I felt how my ears got warm. What is wrong with me? I took a deep breath and started unpacking.

I was too embarrassed to let Hyunjin see my bunny plushie, that's why I let it in the suitcase. I looked over at him carefully. I could see how he placed all of his necklaces, rings and bracelets on his nightstand.

"Dinner's ready" yelled Minho from downstairs and at the same time, my stomach started growling. When I left the room, I could hear a quied laugh behind me, but I wasn't so sure about it.

Minho's food was always super delicious. I liked his ricecake the most, but the Beef Wellington, wich he had made today was very good as well. All of us were in a good mood.

Seungmin and Jisung were laughing about Innie, who had thought his food wasn't spicy enough and sat now with a red head and probably burning mouth on his chair. Even Hyunjin was talking with Channie, but so quiet, that I couldn't understand anything.

Satisfied I leaned back, closed my eyes and smiled, as I listened to the conversations of my friends. We'd only known eachother for a year, but they were already my family. I silently thanked my parents, for deciding on moving from Australia back to Korea, 'cause if we didn't, I would've known none of them. Even if I've been sad for leaving my home at the beginning, now I'm happier than ever.

And I will also get to soften Hyunjin.

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