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Hyunjin's POV

It had been two days now, since I just ran away, leaving Felix in our room. Neither of us had tried to speak with the other and Felix was most of the time doing something else, so we saw eachother only when we were sleeping.

It hurt to stay away from him and now I couldn't even ignore anymore that I liked Felix. Really liked. Like... like liked.

But I still wasn't able to ignore my pride and just talk to him. He should come to me and apologize, even if he didn't know how much he hurt me.

A week in wich I lost three kilograms, (T/N I'm sorry, I don't know exactly what this is in pounds and since I'm only translating the story I decided to just leave it like that.) basically didn't talk to the others and Felix and I ignored eachother passed.

When I woke up on Saturday, he wasn't there anymore so I got ready and went downstairs. On my way to the stairs I almost tripped, but I was able to catch my balance.

Annoyed I picked the thing I tripped over up, to see who just left their stuff here but it was actually a box with the words 'for Hwang Hyunjin' I opened it confused and found a lot of filling material and a letter.

In said letter was a giftcard for bungee-jumping for two persons wich made me freeze. I hadn't told anyone that I wanted to do that, but to scared was to do it on my own. Who gave this to me? And what was I supposed to do with this now?

I couldn't just jump on my own, but with whom would I do it? At breakfast I was still thinking about it. I didn't notice how Felix looked at me from the side, looking quite nervous.

"Did one of you guys put a box infront of my door? I eventually asked, trying not to look at Felix. Most of them looked at me confused, only Changbin didn't look back. "Changbin? Was it you?" I looked at him, until he gave up and said:" I did put it there, but the person who wanted to give it to you said they would jump with you."

I wondered who that person could be, but I couldn't think of anyone...

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