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Hyunjin's POV

In the first night that Felix and I were sleeping next to eachother, I stayed awake for very long and when Felix suddenly started to talk in his sleep, I could only with difficulty supress a scream.

I am kinda easy to scare, but after i calmed down, I almost had to laugh. It did look funny tho, Felix's mouth was open and he was mumbling something.

When I wanted to try to sleep, he rolled over on my side of the bed and clutched onto my arm. He pulled it to his chest, so that I could feel his calm heartbeat. My breath hitched and I tried to ignore my own heart, wich was suddenly beating quite irregularly. I tried to get my arm back, but he just groaned and pulled me even more to himself. This way I could feel his breath on my neck.

I gave up and looked at him. He had hazelnutbrown eyes, wich were closed right now and thick, black eyelashes. His hair was dyed blonde wich looked really good on him and Felix had been letting then grow so long, that they reached his neck. A few weeks ago I had unintentionally heard a conversation between him and Changbin, in wich he said, he'd find it sad, that his freckles are always being covered up.

I definitely have to agree on that, they look really cute on his face. I didn't realise, that I had reached out my hand, until I was almost at his nose and I flinched.

What was wrong with me? I knew, that I'm gay since I'm fifteen, but I've never told anyone. I never got rid of my fear, to be seen different by others, and even though I knew that my friends would accept me, held this fear me back from telling them. I sighed and closed my eyes. Actually I had been hoping on losing those thoughts, when I have more people around me, but that didn't seem to work.

I knew that I looked emotionless quite often and that I was rather in the background than standing in the first row, as Felix always did.

I couldn't say, that he wasn't attractive, because he was, but definitely not more! Before I could get even more stupid thoughts I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


Hey, it's just a short chapter, but I didn't want
to make you wait so long.
I hope you still like it :)


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