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Hyunjin's POV

The first weeks in the villa were exciting but scary for all of us but after the first few days  we'd kinda gotten a routine. Minho. Changbin, Felix and I were cooking in the evening, the others usually woke up earlier, wich is why they made breakfast and for lunch everyone was helping. But since we were  often at meetings around lunchtime, where we got free food, we didn't have to worry about that too much.

Felix had been holding his promise and didn't wake me up before 8am anymore. We came out pretty well with eachother und he had succeeded on including me more in conversations and other activities. At some point I even started enjoying our talks while eating breakfast, where everyone was talking at the same time.

Today we had a meeting at JYPe. We didn't know about what yet, but it was probably about a knew comeback. Our manager was expecting us at 7am, wich means that we had to stand up no later than six. I had turned my alarm's volume on onehundred percent, so that I would definitely wake up.

Punctual at 6am I was woken up by "Bad Blood". Unfortunately, I had been so tired yesterday, that I forgot that I was not living alone. I felt guilt when I looked in Felix's sleepy and frightened face. I looked at him with an apologising look on my face and he fell groaning back in his pillows. Smirking I leaned over him and pinched his cheek softly. "Don't fall asleep again Yongbok" I whispered in his ear.

I thought for a second, he'd have gotten goosebumps, but before I could make sure he jumped out of his bed and disappeared into the bathroom. When he came back just a little later I still sat grinning on the bed. "Don't call me that again" Felix didn't like his Korean name that much, wich was why I didn't let any chance go to tease him with it. Along with that, his ears and cheeks always got a slight tone of pink when he was angry, wich was really cute. One reason more to tease him. But still...

"Do you not like your name at all?" I asked him with a serious expression on my face. Felix looked surprised at me. "No, I do like it tho, it's just that I'd like to keep a part of Australia, even if it's just my name, if you understand." he then said. I was kind of astonished, that he opened up so easily towards me, but at the same time I felt warmth rising inside me.

I cleared my throat and answered him:"I understand" probably even better than he thought. When I moved with my parents and my dog Kkami here, we had to leave my grandma in a retirement home there, because every spot near here was reserved. At that time, she had gifted me two necklaces, wich were completely identical. With that she told me, I'd have to wear one of them always and one gift to the person I love and I want to spend the rest of my life with. Since that moment, I'd always worn the necklace.

"Hyunjin?" Felix interrupted my thoughts "Yeah?" "Uhm.. I just wanted to ask, if we maybe could hang out after our meeting?"
Oh right, our meeting. I stood up, turned around on the bathroomdoor and said:"Gladly, surprise me."

Then I winked at him and he blushed a little. I smirked inside. Teasing Felix was fun.

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