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Hyunjin's POV

I really had to be more careful. The girls disappeared quite fast, luckily, because if they hadn't, I wouldn't have been able to control myself. He had been too close. His smell couldn't let go of me and I had to gather all my concentration to look at east a bit calm. That could not happen again, our friendship was too important for me for that.

I couldn't destroy our whole group, just because I found him attractive, but that would happen, if they'd find out that I was gay. I couldn't do that to any of them. Sighing I sat down on my side of the bed. And fixed my hair. Felix disappeared right after we came here. On our drive back, both of us had been silent, wich was untypical for him. Maybe he did notice something.

On this evening I skipped dinner. I was not in the mood to talk to the others. I tried to not think about Lix anymore.

When I woke up, I looked automatically to Felix. Or there, where he was supposed to be. I touch the spot were he should be lying. It was cold, so he hadn't even slept here. A strange feeling inside me made me lie down again. Yesterday I still hoped, we could just forget about what happened and treat eachother the same as before, but it seemed like Felix couldn't or just didn' want to do that. The next days weren't easy for all of us. Felix was avoiding me and hanging out with Changbin all the time. The others had noticed it as well, but they stayed out of it and tried to loosen up the mood.

For me, it was the most difficult when we had to give interviews or do something els in public, because we had to act, as if we were still the best friends. Every time he stood beside me and touched me unintentionally, it ended me shivers down my spine, but they reminded me, that I had to keep a distance.

Officially we were still sharing a room, but unofficially he was sleeping every night at Changbin's room and had also taken most of his clothes there. Every time I woke up and saw his empty spot it hurt my stomach. One good thing was there tho. In a few days we would have a comeback with "Miroh". We would perform live in front of thousands of stays. But it were still a few days before that and I wouldn't ever had thought, that so much would happen in those days...

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