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Felix's POV

I was in a mix of dream and reality. I couldn't tell the names of a few things, wich is why I didn't realise that I was in a hospital. The only thing I could remember from the time without my consciousness was a feeling, that was everywhere with me.

This feeling came from my hand and made my whole body feel warm and safe, it helped me physically and mentally. This warmth comforted me, let me sleep without nightmares and made me feel good. When I woke up, my headache made me whimper.

It especially hurt on one place on my head, but I couldn't quite figure out why. But the warmth was there and I wanted to know what it was. I turned my head, wich must've been a stupid idea, because my head felt as if it was about to explode and I would've loved to rip it off at that moment.

I could hear a noise on my right, but I was smart enough, not to look there now. "Felix? Do you have a
headache?" I suddenly heard Hyunjin's worried voice. I was really happy that he was here, but only a whimper left my mouth again. Hyunjin stood up and left the room.

Now were tears of sadness added to the ones of pain. Why did he just go? Then I noticed that the warmth in my hand was gone as well. Great, could no one help me? I couldn't quite remember what had happened, I thought I'd heard voices and other noises, but my memories were to blurred.

When I woke up for the second time, the first thing I realised was, that the headache was gone.I looked around in the room I was lying in. I noticed a big cupboard on the wall, it had thousands of drawers. I would've loved to take a look at these, but then I decided that staying in the bed was probably the better thing to do.

On my left was a huge window with a great view over the park. The sun was shining, so there were quite many people going around there. Lots of families were playing with their little kids. I smiled at the sight and looked to my right. There were two doors.

One was opened and I could see a bathroom, the other door was closed. I sighed. Hadn't Hyunjin been here before? Or had I only imagined that? My hand felt cold, but in my memory it was warm. Had Hyunjin been holdin my hand?

I felt myself blushing at the thought. Changbin would've probably told me now to confess my feelings, because I slowly couldn't bear seeing Hyunjin everyday, talking to him and spending time with him, without him knowing that I liked him. Tossing my thoughts away, I closed my eyes and was almost asleep again, when I heard a door open.

With closed eyes I listened to the footsteps, that entered the room. "He was just awake" I heard Hyunjin's slightly desperate sounding voice. Was he talking about me? "Felix needs a lot of rest. He was probably in a light sleep, that could've looked as if he was awake."

Silence. Then a noise that I couldn't quite sort out. It sounded like a sob. "You don't have to give yourself the fault. I can promise you that he's gonna be all okay again" continued the woman. "Thank you" said Hyunjin and I almost frowned. Did he cry?!

"Are you gonna stay with him again?" the woman asked and he responded with a short "Of course" Then I could hear the door opening and closing again. I didn't know what to think anymore. Had Hyunjin been here the whole time? But why? Was he worried about me?

I couldn't stop myself from smiling, wich Hyunjin of course noticed. "Felix? Are you awake?" he asked. Now I couldn't pretend anymore, so I opened my eyes and looked in his reddened eyes. He looked at me with relief and I saw surprised, how tears ran over his face. "Everything's fine, Hyunjin, I'm okay" I whispered. I sat up slowly and patted his back.

Then I found myself in his embrace. "I was so scared!" he said and I wrapped my own arms around his back. The feeling this hug was freeing felt overwhelming and I decided, to confess to him now. Even if Hyunjin hated me afterwards, I couldn't hide it from him anymore. I broke the hug and looked at him.

"Hyunjin, I-I have to tell you something" I stuttered, my eyes on my fingers, wich were playing with the sheets nervously. I wanted to continue, when he said "Can I tell you something first?" I nodded and felt like a coward. I concentrated on what he was saying.

"Well, I don't really know, where to begin. Maybe you noticed, that I've been acing quite off recently. That wasn't because of you or someone else, it was just me. I was scared of your reactions if I told you that I'm gay, so I tried to hide it from you. But when we moved to that mansion I got those feelings. Now they're to strong to ignore them. I hope you don't hate me and we can stay friends"

I had an idea where this could lead, but that would be unbelievable. Could he possibly... Hyunjin too a deep breath and ended his speech with the words:"Felix, I love you"

I just sat there and looked at him. How did I deserve this? Hyunjin loved me the same way I loved him! A sigh pulled me out of my thoughts. "I'll leave you alone the" Hyunjin whispered and stood up. But before he could leave I grappled his wrist and pulled him to me. Taken by surprise, he sat down next to me and looked at me, with a pained expression on his face.

"Felix, don't do this, please" but I only smiled at him "I love you too, Hyunjin" I then said and he looked at me in disbelief. "That's what I wanted to say" I added and he started smiling as well.

Then he leant towards me and his lips touched mine. I pulled him more towards me and sighed happily when his soft lips were completely on mine. It was a soft kiss, but it still let the butterflies in my stomach go mad.

When we pulled away, he wiped a single tear of happiness from my cheek. "I can finally kiss you now whenever I want" he whispered and leaned towards me again.

Yes finally, I thought, before I got lost in the kiss.



And with that, the story's over :')
I wrote extra much and tomorrow there'll be a
short epilogue.
Thanks for already 2k reads 🤗 and I hope
you liked it!



Soo... I will probably publish the epilogue
tomorrow, then I'll be on vacation, so
you will probably get the second book in about
three weeks, but I might be able to
update there. I don't know, but I can hope.
Also, we don't have 2k views yet, but 1k
Is great as well!
Thank you guys for that!
It makes me really happy, even though
I'm just the translator :)


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