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Felix's POV

When I woke up for the first time in the villa, I didn't even want to open my eyes because it was so nice and comfortable. My bunny was a lot harder than usually, but so much warmer... wait a second, what?

I opened my eyes and saw a musculous chest in front of me. Hyunjin's chest, for those of you who want to be specific. How the fuck did that happen? I could only remember that it'd been quite late yesterday and I fell asleep quite fast due to that. What should I do now?

I sat up carefully and removed his arm from my waist. Trying to not wake him up, I stood up and looked if he was still asleep.
Hyunjin looked so vulnerable and at the same time calm when he was asleep. He started moving and buried his head in my blanket. I smiled.

I had planned on spending more time with him so he wouldn't push everyone away anymore. Best to start right away with that mission.

If I look back I have to admit that it was not very smart to wake Hyunjin with a cold, wet cloth, he screamed so loud, that even Minho and Jisung on the fourth floor must've heard him.

I couldn't do anything about laughing at him, his facial expression was ingenius. He looked at me with an annoyed look on his face, but since he was still sleepy, he looked like a crumpled pillow.

I finally got to suppress my laughing, but then I saw how the corners of his mouth turned up and the both of us started laughing at the same time again.

"Don't ever do that again" he threatened and I nodded while laughing. "I didn't think you'd be that easy to scare" I said after I calmed down again. "Mhm, me neither" Hyunjin muttered. He rubbed his face sleepily. "Do you always sleep that long?" I asked curiously. "Yeah. And I hate it to be woken up early." he complained while looking at me. "Won't happen again"

I grinned and he couldn't hide his smile as well. Then I went to the bathroom, got ready and hurried downstairs to eat breakfast.

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