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Felix's POV

I slammed my head against the wall. How idiotic could one be, Felix? I couldn't just label Hyunjin, even though it was probably right. But I wasn't even sure myself right now if I was straight myself. I slowly let myself sink down the wall and Leaned my head against it. Why did life had to be this complicated?

Someone knocked on the door and before I could get a heartattack because it was probably Hyunjin, I heard Changbin's voice. "Felix? I know that you're in there" He said through the closed door.

I got up sighing and went to the door, I opened it and Changbin got in. "What is it?" I asked, slightly worried because he breathed heavily and his cheeks were burning red. Before he answered he closed the door again, directed me towards the bed and sat down next to me.

I looked at him confused and he returned my look with an angry expression. "That's what I want to know from you. Last time I didn't say anything, but could you please tell me what the problem between you and Hyunjin is?" he asked then.

"It's nothing" I sighed and ran my fingers annoyed through my hair. "Don't lie to me" I got louder this time:"Man, I don't know myself, okay?! The only thing I know is, that I made a mistake! I don't even understand myself anymore!"

Then I felt Changbin's arms around me, and my tears, wich I had hold back til now ran over my face. I cried on his chest until I had no tears left, then he asked quietly:"Is it better?" But even after I nodded, shyly smiling, he asked again. "Are you sure? I feel like there is something else" "I think I might be somehow attracted to guys" I admitted to him and somehow even myself.

"Oh Felix, that's absolutely no problem! Did you think we wouldn't accept you or something?" he asked me serious. "No, but I didn't want to admit it to myself" I said embarrassed.

Changbin smiled and I hugged him again to thank him for helping me. Then he pinched me in the side and asked:"Will you tell me wich hot guy stole our cute Felix's heart?" as if on command I ran bright red. "I think he's attractive at most" "Sure. Who's it? Do I know him?" I covered his mouth, before even more nonsense could leave it.

"I won't say anything else" I muttered, because he slightly annoyed me with his curiosity. "Fine, I won't ask anymore about HIM" in the next moment he had to dodge my pillow.

Before he left the room he turned around again and said in a serious tone:"I won't tell anyone and until you're ready to tell the others you can always talk to me" "Thanks, idiot" I said laughing, but both of us knew, how thankful I was for this. "No, you" I heard from outside.

I laid down in my bed, grinning, but only short after my grin changed into a deep sigh. Now I had told Changbin, but I still had to get things with Hyunjin right again.

But just before I fell asleep, I had a great idea...

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