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Felix's POV

"Feeelix" I heard a girl scream. Oh no. I tried to hide in my chair, but it was already too late for that. I could see how people started turning around to the girl and then looked to me. "Ahh, Hyunjin's there to" screamed another girl. I was frozen, until Hyunjin stood up, grabbed our bags and pulled me to the other direction. I finally managed to fully realise what was happening around me and ran behind him by myself. We flew panting into a sidestreet and leaned exhausted on the houses wall.

"Thank you" I panted and looked up to Hyunjin. "No problem" he grinned. Hopefully they don't come here" He looked around the corner, slightly worried. In the meantime, I had gotten my breath back. I should definitely do more sports, Hyunjin looked all calm and rested.

He suddenly pulled his head back and pulled me into a small corner next to us. I was too surprised by his sudden nearness to protest. Between my head and his chest were only millimeters and his smell was everywhere. I closed my eyes and imagined myself without Hyunjin in my room. But this picture vanished when he whispered "shh" right next to my ear. A warm shiver ran down my spine and I could only with difficulties hold back a cough. I'd probably catchend a cold somewhere. Then I heard soft footsteps and suppressed giggling.

"Hyunjin, Felix" a voice said "Where are you?" I pressed myself even deeper into the corner, tried to be as small as possible, but I was still touching Hyunjin. I could feel his irregular heartbeat and his hand was lying on my waist. Wait, what? I couldn't just push him away, because if I did, the girls would know where we are, but at the same time I didn't even want his hand to leave my waist. I was definitely going crazy. The footsteps and voices were finally gone. Hyunjin immediately exited our corner and I was disappointed, didn't know why tho.

I went after him and just when we wanted to go back to the mall, I saw a small shop. "Hyunjin, wait" I said. He was already almost on the other side of the street but turned around to me. When he saw where I was pointing at his face lit up.

Only a few minutes later we left the juweler, with two new piercings and two identical earrings. This was something we'd always wanted to do, until now, neither of us had had any piercings and now each of us had one in the left ear. I've had so much fun with Hyunjin, but I wished I could just forget that moment in the corner.
Maybe I had really catchend a cold.



As promised, this is the next chapter :)
Hopefully you like it and thanks
to everyone that is supporting this story <3


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