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Hyunjin's POV

The filming distracted me from the usual problems, wich I was really thankful for at the moment. I had a break right now and looked after the others, to see what they were doing. Changbin, Jisung, Seungmin and Jeongin were doing there soloparts, Channie and Minho had a break as I did and used it to eat something.

Felix was the only one I hadn't found yet. When I went into the last studio room, I saw, how he climbed up the ladder on one of the houses. I personally thought, that this was to dangerous and I'd already been scared at the practices, but he did want he wanted to anyway. And after I had tried to convince him to use a double for this scene, he seemed to be wanting to do this even more eager.

Now he started running towards the edge of the roof. God, I didn't want to see this, but my eyes were glued to him, when he jumped. He flew over the gap between the roofs and I wanted to release the breath I'd been holding, but then he fell.

My heart skipped a beat and continued beating twice as fast as before. Fuck. Felix couldn't reach the edge of the other roof and fell. Everyone - including me - only stood there, in shock.

I saw him fall a few meters, but I couldn't process what was happening. But then I heard a scream, Felix's scream, wich made me take control over my body again and I ran to him, as fast as I could. I almost didn't realise how the people around me panicked. Someone called an ambulance.

I kneeled down next to him. His eyes were closed, he was unconscious and blood dripped from a laceration on his forehead. I placed his head on my lap carefully and brushed his hair out of his face. I didn't notice that I was still in shock, my whole body shaking. The only thing on my mind right now was Felix.

"Hyunjin!" I heard Changbin's voice and felt him pulling me away from Felix. Some paramedics went immediately to him. "I want to go to the hospital" I whispered. Changbin only nodded and pushed me towards the ambulance. He helped me get in and said something to one of the people there.

I didn't understand a thing, but I didn't care either. When I looked in Felix's face, I suddenly realised why he was lying here. I drowned in my emotions almost immediately, mostly anger at myself. Because I hadn't been able to convince him not to do this jump. Then, fear. What, if Felix would never wake up again? I would never be able to tell him, how much I liked him.

I would never be able again to laugh with him, or admire him, when he was sleeping and looking like an innocent little angel. At this thought I felt tears running down my face. I let out a loud sob, forgetting about the other people here.

For the whole way I held Felix's hand in mine and once we arrived at the hospital, I let go of it only reluctantly. I didn't calm down yet, but I had no tears left. He was brought away, I sat down on a chair and waited.

Hours passed, til finally a doctor approached me. "How is he?" I asked nervously and she smiled calming. "It's quite good actually. He luckily has only a light concussion and the laceration was sewn up already." she responded. I felt so relieved. "Can I see him? I asked pleadingly and she nodded.

"Just be quiet, he's still unconscious and when he wakes up to early it's more difficult for him to recover" she added. "I'll be careful" with my confirmation she left and I opened the door to Felix's room. He was lying in a huge white bed in wich he looked tiny. I sat down next to him on a chair and took his hand in mine again.

Since I was totally tired and exhausted from today, I fell asleep, still holding Felix's hand.

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