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Hyunjin's POV

Was my outfit not fitting?
I couldn't really interprete Felix's face, but I didn't know, what we'd do, that's why I decided on wearing comfortable clothes. I was wearing long, black pants with a blue shirt and sneakers, a few bracelets and my favourite black hat. "Are you okay?" I asked Felix, who still didn't move. Now I started getting nervous.

He cleared his throat. "Yeah, everything's fine" "So what are we doing?" I looked at him questioning. Even though I looked calm on the outside, I wasn't at all on the inside. Look in his eyes. Look in his eyes. I tried persuading myself.
Why did he have to wear so fucking hot clothes? And why did I even care It's not like I hadn't seen him even halfnaked before.

I took a deep breath and concentrated on what he was saying. "So, I was thinking, if we could go shopping?" Was he serious? I loved shopping and since we didn't really have free time lately, I hadn't been shopping for ages. "I'd love to" I tried to not look to happy, but I couldn't hide my big smile completely. "Great" Felix smiled as well. Then he grabbed my arm and pulled me down the stairs.

"Byeee" he said to Changbin and Chan, who were sitting in the living room. "Don't come back without pretty things" Changbin winked and I rolled my eyes.

As we were finally at the mall, we tried to be as unobtrusive as possible. We didn't want to be seen by stays, 'cause even though I love our fans, it can be quite difficult to be recognised everywhere. "Hey, let's go in there" we were standing infront of a shop, that smelled only black and white clothes. I had never seen such a store before, but I could tell, that we'd find something here.
We tried several hats and jackets, until Felix found a white hat wich looked a little bit like my black one.
After that I found something as well, a fluffy, black jacket.

"You look like a big fluffbal" said Felix and I pinched him in the side softly. I still bought the jacket and we went to the next shop. It was quite empty and whenever people were walking by us we pulled our hats deeper in our faces.

After we had looked through a few more shops we sat down on a table in a small restaurant and Felix bought us drinks and snacks. "We've really deserved this now" he said and looked over the four big bags that were standing around us. I smiled at him and looked right into his eyes "Thanks for the invitation, I had a lot of fun today!" He smiled brightly and wanted to respond something, when suddenly someone screamed.

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