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Hyunjin's POV

It was as if I woke up from a nightmare. I was a little disappointed, that Felix had agreed that quickly on forgetting about everything, but as long as we were friends again, I didn't care too much. And now I could finally look forward our comeback tomorrow. We had practiced for hours, so that we knew perfectly when we were supposed to do what. Hopefully everything would work today. With that thought I fell asleep.

"Seungmin, could you give me my belt?" I yelled across the room. In half an hour we would be performing our new song "Miroh" in front of tenthousand people. At the same time it would be released and my gosh, was I excited. "Sure, here" Seungmin gave me my belt over the makeuptable, on wich I was sitting.

I nodded at him thankfully. We were waiting for the others, who were still getting ready, we could here the people outside sing some of our songs already. My lips formed a smile. I just love our stays!

Two hours later we were done with our concert and went backstage. My body was filled up with adrenaline and when we got into our changingroom, Innie broke the silence with hugging Channie and saying:"We did so well!" I agreed totally and the others started congratulating eachother.

After Jisung had almost killed me from hugging, Felix was standing in front of me and looked shyly at me. "You did pretty well" he then said and I couldn't do other than wrapping my arm around him and hug him. I tried to suppress the feelings, that tried to break through me, but I did not do as well in that as I wanted to.

But Felix's smile was worth it. "You weren't that bad either" I teased him and he punched me softly on the shoulder. This got me laughing, so Changbin looked at us puzzled. We changed fast, since we had an interview and a fanmeeting now. Our management had prepared a room for the interview, so we wouldn't be that distracted by our fans. It was the first interview for months, so there were quite a lot questions.

But what I didn't know was, that a few stays were allowed to ask questions as well. And what those questions were, I wouldn't even think in my dream of...

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