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Felix's POV

We had just sat down, when a journalist already asked the first question:"I think everyone knows, that you moved together in one villa. Do you sleep in single or shared rooms?" I rolled my eyes inside. I should have known, that those questions were supposed to expose our last bit of privacy.

Chan answered her then "There're always two of us that sleep together in one room." Her eyes lit up when she heard that and for her next question, she leaned a little more towards us. "May I know who sleeps together?" No, you may not, that's what I wanted to yell in her face, but I stayed calm. It would only draw more attention if we wouldn't answer her question now.

"Lee Know and Han, Seungmin and I.N., Bang Chan and I and Hyunjin and Felix" said Changbin shortly. "Interesting" the woman winked at us.

Luckily another reporter got to the front and asked a few more general questions, wich we answered gladly. In the last ten minutes got a few fans, who got exclusive tickets for this, the chance to ask a few questions themselves. Two girls, who were circa 16 years old, came shyly towards us. The left one started to speak quietly. "You don't have to answer this question, Even though it would interest thousands of us." She said, wich made me like her from the very beginning.

Then she looked at me. "Hyunjin and Felix, we'd like to know if Hyunlix is real"

Hyunlix? What the hell was that now? Sounded as if our names would've been mixed together. Confused I looked at Hyunin, who got a little pale. Did he know what the girl was talking about? I suddenly felt his warm breath on my ear, wich send chills over my whole body.

"She asks if we're a couple" he explained then. I flinched slightly. If we were what?! A couple?! At the thought of this, I felt warmth rising in my body and my cheeks got a slight pink tone.

I cleared my throat and concentrated on the current situation again. Hyunjin had just turned to the girl and said slightly smiling:"No, Felix and I are not together" Why did those words hurt? Nevermind. I nodded in agreement and tried to smile carefree, but it felt very forced. "Oh, okay" they said disappointed at the same time and I smiled. It was cute how they were holding hands and...

I facepalmed inside. Only now I saw those small loving gazes, with whom they looked at eachother again and again. They were obviously together and for a short moment I envied them for being this open with eachother.

We said goodbye to the reporters and stays. I had kept up during the fanmeeting, but when we got home, I threw myself on the bad immediately, could only respond to Hyunjin's muttered "Good night" and fell asleep.

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