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Hyunjin's POV

On the day after our concert we could sleep in, wich I would've loved to do, but there was still this thing...

I had been kind of surprised yesterday, that Felix still didn't know about Hyunlix. The fans had already shipped us before our debut. But there were also other ships, I had read a few fanfictions about Minsung or Seungin and partly they were pretty good and realistic. (T/N Hyunjin, why are you reading those?) The other members also made weird jokes in public sometimes, wich only lead stays to writing even more story's about 'em.

Once, Jisung got on one knee before Minho and proposed him. In a mall. Minho had been completely confused, while we others had laughed like crazy, because we knew that Jisung had lost a bet with Seungmin and had to do this. The scene was all over the internet immediately, of course, but the two of them took it pretty calm.

Felix moved next to me and I smiled automatically, when I saw his peaceful face, that grimaced now slightly. He had tried to open his eyes, but was blinded by the sun, wich made him squint his eyes. Cute!

"Morning" he muttered sleepily and looked up at me. "Slept well?" I asked grinning and he ground affirmative. After he sat up, I thought, if I should tell him, what exactly the girl from yesterday had meant. I decided to do so. "Felix?" "Yeah?"He looked at me. "Do you remember those two girls from yesterday?" He nodded and I continued quickly "They asked if Hyunlix was real. Maybe you noticed that that name is composed of your and my name"

Understanding lit up his eyes, but he still looked confused."So Hyunlix is one of those shippingnames?" I nodded "But why would they want us to be together? I mean, we're both straight after all" he said then.

I looked at him, shocked. Why would he just suppose, that I was straight? I lowered my head, tears in my eyes.

Great, my best friend would probably not accept my sexuality, 'cause he wouldn't have just thought so if it'd be different.I stood up and went downstairs, ignoring his protests. I just needed a little space from him now...

And more drama :')

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