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Hyunjin's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night and was extremely thirsty. I sighed annoyed, stood up and tried to go downstairs as silent as possible to not wake anyone up. The thought of a not well rested Minho send shivers down my spine, he could be so difficult whether did't sleep well.

I just got downstairs when I heard the couch creaking. I stood still and wondered who'd still be awake at this time. I wanted to go around the corner to the living room, but I bumped my foot on something. I had immediately tears in my eyes and a little squeak left my mouth. Then I remembered my "mission". I went around the corner and saw...

"Felix? What are you doing here?" He turned around and wiped hectically with his sleeve over his eyes, but I had seen the tears already, wich were glittering in the moonlight on his skin. "H-hi" he stuttered and cleared his throat to get rid of his hoarse voice. I went to him and sat down next to him. "What is it?" I asked worried. Felix looked nervous, but his expression changed suddenly to anger. "You still ask" he said despicable and turned away from me. I didn't understand a thing anymore. "Have I done anything to you?" I asked after a few minutes of silence "Well, yeah" Slowly I got angry as well. "I think you did too" I hissed to make him realise that he had ignored me for the past few weeks.

"Surely not, or who ignored me for weeks now?" he yelled upset. Now I got loud as well:"What?! You were the one that left me all alone while hanging out with Changbin all the time!" We suddenly heard a noise upstairs and went quiet. All of myenergy and anger left me and left guilt. I shouldn't have yelled at him like that. I looked at him carefully and realised, that he was crying again. What I did then was all instinctively and probably one of the most stupid things I'd ever done.



The chapters are quite short, but there
will be around 14 more :)



For everyone who wants to know:
the book has 24 chapters and an epilogue,
so our author was basically right


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