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Felix's POV

At breakfast I kept looking at Hyunjin from the corner of my eye. I had seen quite often how he would google something about bungee-jumping, or watch youtube videos about it. But since he had never jumped even though he was usually the one who would be the first to agree to stupid ideas, I figured that he was scared to jump alone.

That's why I gave him the giftcard for two persons, so he could jump with me. When Hyunjin finally asked who put that box infront of our room, I grinned inside myself.

With Changbin's help I had been able to move our appointments to the next days, so we had a free day. The bungee-jumping was at 03 pm and I prepared some snacks for it. Then I drove there, a few minutes earlier than Changbin and Hyunjin, so I'd be there before them.

I waited infront of the entrance for them, nervously. The only thing I wanted to do today was to talk with Hyunjin and apologize for my stupid words. While I was waiting, I looked at the people around me, that tried to get tickets for today.

Good thing that I already bought them beforehand. In the middle of the line was a man that looked quite muscular. I thought for a while, whether I found him attractive, but I didn't feel anything special. It was the same when I looked at women, they were pretty, but I didn't feel anything.

What if I wasn't gay? Cause if I was, I would find other men attractive as well, right? But what was I, if not gay? To think about Hyunjin always gave me goosebumps and a weird kind of warmth in my stomach. With other guys there was nothing.

Sighing I looked around the parking lots. I would think about it more in the evening, but right now I had no time for it since Hyunjin and Changbin just arrived. I saw, how they got out of the car and Changbin pointed to me, probably to warn Hyunjin beforehand, with whom he'd be jumping.

Hyunjin looked a little angry, but he left Changbin pull him towards me. The three of us went to the entrance and Changbin sat down on the side. Hyunjin was still pouting. On our way up we were alone in a metal cage.

I had to use this opportunity. I turned to him. "I would like to apologize for my stupid and rushed words. It wasn't my intention to hurt you, it was my fault and I hope you can forgive me sometime, also the giftcard is part of my apology, but I would understand it, if you'd rather jump with changbin or alone, instead of me."

To the end of my little speech I got quieter, then I looked up to him. He didn't look at me and didn't say anything. I turned away again, a little hurt, I murmured once again:"I am really sorry" Then I heard an amused chuckle from him and he said:"It's a little late now to jump alone, isn't it?"

I saw only then, that we were already on the platform we would jump off in a few minutes. Before Hyunjin could go past me i grabbed his wrist. he looked down at me with a neutral expression on his face. "Can you accept my apology?""Maybe after the jump" with those words he pilled his arm away from me and went to one of the employees who immediately started to explain how he had to jump. The other one waved me impatiently over, now I got nervous. It was pretty high but I pulled myself together. "Do you jump alone" asked the employee annoyed.

"No, we'll jump together" I heard Hyunjin's voice and looked at him thankful. Then we stood on the platform, back to back and were tied together in a way that we couldn't really move anymore. "Go to the edge and when I say it you have to jump" said the older man.

Shaking we went the few steps to the edge of the platform and I made the mistake to look down. I got dizzy immediately and I think I could feel Hyunjin shake as well. "Okay, you can jump now" I heard the employer and in the next moment I felt how I got pulled down...



I'm so sorry for ending the chapter like this, because I will
go on vacation for the next three weeks and
I won't be able to upload new chapters there :(

To show you, for how many more chapters you'll have
to wait, there will be six more chapters and the
epilogue. I hope you will stay with this story and in
circa three weeks I'll upload the next chapter ^^



So, you guys are lucky, because I am not on vacation...
At least not in the next week. After that
I actually am, but I don't know, whether I can upload there,
I will try. So, I'm home for a week, in that time I will
try to publish as much as possible, Then I'm on vacation for
I think eleven days, then I'm at home for a day and
after that I'll be on a school trip for four days, so...
I'll try to finish this in the next week.
Thanks for reading this :)


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