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Hyunjin's POV

Two years had passed since the accident. We had released a few popular songs and our group grew that much together, that I considered the other boys my family. Felix and I had been together since the day I confessed to him.

We hadn't been sure at first whether to tell the others or not, but eventually we had to. They had been happy for us and now even our managers know about it. The company had not been that happy about our relationship, but they admitted, that they couldn't just make us break up.

I had never been as happy as in the last two years with Felix. We had taken a lot of time to clear the misunderstandings from the first year in the mansion, Felix had told me that he was pan, even though I had already thought so, it just suited him.

The first thing I had done when he was released from the hospital, was to give him the second necklace I had gotten from my grandma, I had also told him about what she had told me about it. Since that day the both of us wore the necklaces and I couldn't imagine anyone with whom I'd rather share them.

Exactly two years after we had gotten together I woke up today, with Felix next to me as always. His head was on my chest, I smiled. At moments like this I wished I could just cuddle with him forever, how could a human being be this cute? I leaned back happily. If it was for me, I could wake up with Felix for the rest of my life.



Sooo, I decided to write a continuation of this,
so if you want to know how their lifes will continue,
check out 'What will happen next!

And I wanted to thank you guys for your
support <3 you can't even imagine
how motivating your votes and comments are!
I hope we see eachother again in the
continuation :)



Oops... I might have spoiled the second book
last chapter, didn't I?
But nevermind, I hope you liked the translation.
I will translate the second book as well, but as I told
you before, I don't know when I'll be able to
update again, so just come back some times
and see if the second book is already out.
See you there! <3


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