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Felix's POV

I had been crying on Changbin, but I didn't tell him, why I behaved like that "I'm sick" I muttered leaning on him. "What exactly do you have?" he asked worried. I didn't know or didn't want to admit it to myself, that's why I just said "Don't know" "Hm" Changbin patted my back softly and it looked, as if he was thinking about something. But then he just sighed and pulled me on my legs. "Let's go eat something" he suggested and carried me down the stairs, before I could protest.

When we were in the kitchen I looked around, but Hyunjin wasn't there. My strength left me all of a sudden and if Changbin hadn't catchend me, I'd have been falling on the ground.

After we ate I got extremely nervous. I just wanted to lie down next to Hyunjin in our bed, but on the other side, I wanted to avoid him as good as possible. Changbin decided for me by saying:"You'll sleep with me today" I smiled at him thankfullyand a few minutes later I was in his and Channies room where I fell asleep immediately.

The next few weeks were quite exhausting for me. I was tired all the time, because I was too busy at nights thinking about what even happened between Hyunjin and me to sleep. I just wanted to have him back as a friend!

This night I couldn't sleep as well, so I decided on going to the kitchen to look if there was orange juice. When I got downstairs I opened the fridge and there were actually two packs of orange juice. With my orange juice I went to the couch and right when I wanted to take a sip, I noticed the photo on the package. On it were a man and a woman, who smiled and hugged eachother. Without being able to do anything against it, I was suddenly crying I had never hugged Hyunjin like that and now I could surely not do it anymore.

A soft noise startled me and I held my breath automatically. Who could be that at this time?

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