too much//all time low

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too much//all time low

It's been a few weeks without another appearance. Luke liked coming home from work and hearing Mike's computer blasting music from the basement. He likes the smell of paint as his partner paints away the day as a stay-at-home lad. 

Alex stood in the laundry room as she put on her black Converse. Their shoe pile was pretty much a mess of Converse and Vans. No one ever knew which pair belonged to which human. They just guessed and hoped for the best. 

Luke came out of the kitchen, his mouth full of multi-grain Cheerios. He tucked his black button down into his non-ripped skinny jeans, "Is your dad down yet?" Luke asked, hoping to not slobber down his half-eaten food. 

"I think he's still getting ready," Alex answered. She pushed her hair to the right of her face, it was freshly dyed a deeper blue and there were still stains on her neck. She wiggled her round nose, "Oh, God." 

He furrowed his eyebrows before smelling it too. There was smoke. A small ring of smoke. Luke actually hoped the house was on fire, it would be better than the return of Calum. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." He swore. "Take Mike's car, go to Nick's science fair. I'm going to go hope and pray it's not Cal. But we'll meet you there before his presentation, okay?"

The seventeen year old nodded quickly, she couldn't have gotten out of the house fast enough. Her heart was beating fast at the thought of the other personality. She hated Calum, he made Ashton look like a saint. 

Alex pulled out of their driveway, hoping Luke would be okay. 

The blonde opened the bedroom door, a puff a grey smoke following the fresh air. He was greeted by Michael's body sitting on the bed in a ripped white tank top and boxer shorts. His hair was all over the place, pointing in every direction. "Michael?"

"Guess again," a rougher voice called back. 

"Calum, why are you here?" Luke's shoulders dropped as he took cautious steps closer to the smoking man. 

He took another drag from the burning cigarette, "To ruin your life."

The blonde started to round around the bed. He made wide turns so that he wouldn't startle Calum in any way. Green eyes were looking out the window at their woodsy backyard. The lights in their neighbor's house were on but Calum and Luke were in pitch black. "You're doing a pretty good job of that."

The older boy laughed.

"I don't want to leave you here alone. I don't want to take you with us. Can you please just tell Michael we want him back?" Luke placed a hand on Calum's lower arm, trying to rub a soothing rhythm with him thumb on the pale skin. 

Calum didn't like that. He quickly swiped the bud of the burning cigarette on Luke's bare hand, pressing it deeply into the beautiful skin. 

Luke yelped in a mixture of surprise and pain. He shot straight up from the bed, clutching onto the burning skin. His feet carried him to the bathroom, turning on the water as cold as it could possibly get. He stuck the pink and red flesh under the water, his eyes tearing up as the pain became unbearable. "Was that really necessary?" He called after a minute. 

"I don't like being touched," Calum's voice growled. 

Luke dried his hand as his other one went through the medicine cabinet above their dirty sink. "That doesn't mean you have to leave scars on me. This is gonna be here for years!"

Calum stood up, the bed creaking underneath him. His head was down, the bags under his eyes were prominent than normal. He walked into the bathroom, dropping the small bud into the sink. "Don't raise your voice at me." 

Luke rolled his eyes as he opened the first aid kit. 

Calum pushed the blonde against the wall, the plastic kit falling to the ground as Luke crossed his arms over his face. 

He was pressed against their posh white bathroom wall, Calum's hips digging into Luke's own. "Don't give me that fucking attitude of yours." His voice was rough and Luke didn't like it. He smelled awful, the thirty six year old felt like he wasn't able to breath as Cal leant in closer and closer. "Are you gonna apologize, baby boy?"

Luke's bottom lip was quivering as he sunk lower into the wall, "No, I need to take control of the—."

"Are you going to apologize?!" Calum's voice cracked, it went back to the waves the sounded like Michael. 

Luke had hope that he'd transition back, he swore he saw the emerald green appear back in the darker color, but all hope was lost when Calum jutted his hip closer to Luke, his hands on each side of Luke's head. "I—I'm sorry I yelled at you."

Calum had a smirk etched upon his lips as he took a step back. "That's better. Let's get going, don't wanna be late for the pansy's science fair."

Luke was too afraid to defend his son. He didn't like being afraid. 

(a/n) sorry i'm updating every day. i have no life and i'm excited for this story.

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