long way home (acoustic)// 5 seconds of summer

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long way home (acoustic)// 5 seconds of summer

Luke managed to squeeze his large body in between the couch cushions and Michael's sleeping body. His head was rested in the crook between Mike's arm and chest. His hands were ghosting over the very small bump of his husband's stomach, his fingers going from the top of the bump, past the crest, then down to the bottom. He's been doing this for an hour, and he doesn't plan on stopping now. 

Michael was sound asleep, his fatigue wiping him out at least three times a day. He had one arm curled around Luke's body, another behind his head. His white tee shirt was up to his chest as Luke wanted to be as close to the baby as he possibly could. 

Luke remembers when Michael was pregnant with Alex. By the time he found out, Mike was already in his second trimester. He remembers being in a position like this, his nineteen year old hands pressed against his boyfriend's stomach. He never thought this would really happen. Luke never imagined himself having a child out of wedlock, does anyone?

The blonde teenager couldn't believe that he created the bump growing inside of Michael's body. His curious blue eyes would simply stare at the figure for hours at a time, just accepting their situation. He was only nineteen, one semester into college. His family wasn't pleased, but they accepted it, too. 

The bigger Michael's tummy grew almost two decades ago, the happier Luke got. He was excited for their baby girl. He remembers leaving for the airport after his winter break was over, kissing the bump hundreds of times. He didn't want to leave his unborn child. 

Present day, Mike stirred in his sleep, stretching out his back before opening his eyes. He looked down at Luke, moving his hand to the blonde boys side and rubbing his arm. "Hey," his groggy voice said. 

"Hi," Luke whispered, his hand cupping the bump. "Do you think it's a boy or a girl?"

Michael licked his chapped lips, inhaling then yawning. "I have no idea."

"Come on, you always know. From the second you found out you were pregnant with the  other two you knew." Luke stretched out his legs past the shoulder of their living room couch. He moved his entire body up a bit, closer to his lover. He wrapped his left arm tightly around Michael's body.

Mike moved his large shirt down, covering the bump. Right now, it just looked like he gained some weight. He was still self-conscious over the growing human inside of him. He knew he shouldn't care what other people think of him, but he really, really does. "I honestly don't know this time around."

"Do you realize we always get pregnant at the worst possible times?" Luke asked. He tilted his head up, his blue eyes shining through their dimmed living room lights. 

Mike laughed. "Yeah, I guess that's true."

"Alex was college. Nick was our wedding night. Now this one," Luke squeezed the bloated stomach, "is a little late."

Michael moved one hand down to his stomach, keeping the other tight on Luke's arm. He rubbed protectively over the rounded skin. "What should we name it?"

"Like, for now, or when it's born?"

"Jack named A and Nick, so he'll probably name this one too."

Luke froze at the name of his coworker. He hasn't been to work in a while since he was taking care of Michael and making sure he was okay, he hasn't seen Jack since the older man's lips were around Luke. "Oh, I—I don't know."

"I like the name Ezra though, can it go both genders?"

Luke laughed, "Of course."

"Do you remember after Alex's c-section you passed out? You had to be admitted into the hospital," Michael laughed between words. He remembers them holding up their first born over the blue sheet blocking Mike's view of his lower half. 

His nineteen year old boyfriend went pale in the face before falling to the floor. Michael was too distracted by the crying baby in his hands to even react. 

"That was one time, stop." Luke's cheeks rose to a shade of vermillion red as he hid behind his hands.

"It was not! You did the same thing for Nick, too!"

"I can't handle blood and I could see them sewing you up and it was disgusting," he rambled. Luke cozied more into his husband. "You suck."

The thirteen year old brain inside of Michael wanted to respond with I swallow, but he was too tired, and that was used too many times. "I know."

"Are you excited for the new addition?"

A thought crossed Michael's mind, "Have we told our parents yet?"

"Oh my God."

(a/n) amy (lane-boy) knows the ending to this, and she keeps foreshadowing it so if any of u see her being a dick, just pretend u didn't. i love u all (even amy).

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