rejects//5 seconds of summer

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rejects//5 seconds of summer

Michael was getting a drink in the kitchen, their sink was dripping and it was draining an echo in his head. He hated those type of things. He didn't like dripping water, flashing lights, burnout lightbulbs. He can't go to the grocery store down the street until they fix one of the lights in the dairy section. 

Luke was sitting on the red, velvet couch. His legs were crossed, his plaid pajama bottoms loose over his scrawny legs. He gave his husband a smile as Mike sat next to him. 

Alex and Nick were on the opposite couch, both of their eyes fixated on the flashing screens illuminating their sleep deprived faces. 

"So," Michael trailed off. He opened up his journal, flipping to a fresh page and writing the week at the upper right corner. 

"Mike, I love you, so when I say things about the others, don't take it personally, okay?" Alex asked, putting down her phone face down on the coffee table. 

Michael nodded, looking down at the navy blue pen gripped tightly in his right hand.

"When Ashton drove me to school, it was just kind of mortifying. I don't like people knowing how fucked up we are," she said. 

Luke glared at her, "Watch your mouth."

"I know what she means, especially with Calum at my science presentation," Nick continued, "Dad, he was literally groping your behind."

Luke blushed and Michael looked up at him, "What?"

The quiffed blonde nodded.

Michael gave Luke the journal as he pressed the palm of his hands into his eyes. His fingers drew circles around his temples, "I fucking hate this."

"Watch your mouth," Alex mimicked her father. 

Michael moved his fingers away from his eyes to glare at his daughter. She shrugged her shoulders, a small smile upon her lips. 

"So both Cal and Ash were here?" Michael asked. He sat up on the couch, curling his feet underneath his body and leaning his head on his hands. 

"Calum was only a few hours. I was concerned with how long Ashton was around though. I really think you should talk to Dr. Daisy about it." Luke was still writing in his terrible handwriting the events of the week and a half. 

Michael scuffed, "I can't trust someone with the name 'Dr. Daisy'."

The thirty-six year old rolled his eyes. "It's either that or you've got Cal trying to finger me in public," said under his breath.

"Dad!" The two children yelled in unison. 

Luke quickly looked up, completely forgetting that he had two children in the room. 

(a/n) double update in a minute maybe. i don't really have a life.

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