missing you//all time low +

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missing you//all time low +

Luke sat next to his co-worker, watching his tan fingers work around the sound board in the studio. "I like this track," Jack said, "But I don't like the artist."

Luke swirled around in his chair, running fingers through his hair. "Who signed him this time?"

"I don't know, I think one of the newbies. Like, he's perfectly fine, but he's not the image we started as." The older man brushed his darker fringe out of his face, the side bleached part was sticking up in odd places. Luke doesn't think he's left the studio in a week, yet alone showered in two weeks. 

Luke shook his head, he was fighting to keep his eyes open. "I don't even know anymore. If he's just another flop, then okay. Whatever."

Jack sighed, standing up on his large feet. He got behind Luke, placing his hands on the blonde's shoulders. He rubbed into the skin, Luke sighed at the feeling. "What's wrong?"

Luke leant back into his touch, the tense feeling leaving his body. "Just the usual things."

"It's life, you've just gotta be there for him." Jack had his fingers working magic around Luke's warm skin, they stayed in a calming silence for a while. Their breathing the only thing filling the room. Luke didn't know what to feel, he knew Ashton was waiting for him at home, telling him how bad of a husband he is. But Luke is trying. Shouldn't trying be enough?

The older man left Luke, going to the main computer and turning off the open programs (saving their day of work first, obviously). He opened their library, turning on a playlist of softer, slower songs. 

Luke looked at him from his relaxed bum position, his legs open wide, his back slouched, his head leaning on his fingers. A smile quickly grew upon his lips as Jack held out his hand. 

Luke linked their fingers together, finding a beat matching the mandolin on the track playing from the surround speakers. He wrapped his arms around Jack's neck, stepping closer to him and swaying their hips. Jack's fingers dug into the skin around Luke's lower back, humming the tune. 

"Hold on tight," Jack sang along, "This ride is a wild one." His voice was deep and husky in Luke's ear. 

The blonde laid his head on his work partner's chest, the side of his face around his detailed chest tattoo. They sang the chorus together, laughing at themselves. Jack twirled the slightly smaller boy around the room, keeping at least one hand locked. 

The beat sped up as they moved faster, swirling around the entire room as Luke laughed, and laughed, and laughed. Luke had his head tilted back as Jack made a stupid joke. He hasn't heard himself this happy in such a long time. 

A huge smile was on his lips, his pearly teeth bright and prominent. Jack looked at his happy friend, his lips looked so soft, his nose so tiny. His eyes were shiny such a bright blue shade. He knew he shouldn't lean in, Michael was his best friend. But he had to. 

Their lips met in the middle and Luke didn't pull away. He did the opposite, actually. He locked his fingers at the ends of Jack's hair, pushing him closer until their hips met harshly. 

Music was still playing from the speakers, but the entire building was practically empty, and so was Luke's mind. He fell to the couch, Jack's knees on either side of his skinny body. 

The older man leant down, kissing at Luke's neck as tired whimpers fell from his swollen lips. His blonde head was tilted back against the flat couch, his hips thrusting up once more to rub against Jack's hardening crotch.  

Luke pulled at Jack's hair, messing it up even more. His nails fell down to his back, going under the grey tee shirt and scratching at the warm, comforting skin. He wasn't thinking of Michael, he was thinking of Jack. The only thing present on his hazy head was JackJackJack.

Jack trailed his lips down Luke's stomach, leaving small pecks on the old fabric adorning his skin. He lifted his shirt ever so slightly with his nose, pressing a hot kiss to Luke's dark happy trail. "I won't leave any marks, tell me if you want me to stop," he whispered against the skin. 

Luke egged him on, pushing him closer to his crotch. Jack's fingers fumbled with the button on his dark denim, he finally got it undone as he pulled the fabric to his knees. His tan hands cupped Luke's erected length, palming him through his briefs. 

Luke sat up a bit, dragging their lips together again. He tasted like soda and blueberries, a weird mixture but it was his mixture. He bit down on Jack's lower lip as Jack began to reposition their bodies. 

Luke laid with his legs wide open, Jack's hands pulling at the last material on his waist. He left another kiss on Luke's stomach before leaving one on his swollen head. He wrapped his lips around his length, his tongue warm and everything Luke needed at that moment. 

The thirty six year old had a moan crawling up his throat as his slightly closed eyes watched his best friend suck him off. He thrusted himself into Jack's throat, the older boy didn't gag. He let him thrust harder and deeper down his throat. His arms were bent as they held him above Luke's waist. 

Luke cried out as his stomach turned a vermillion shade showing his flustered self. He continued his movements, Jack meeting him half way with hollowed cheeks. 

His blue eyes were closed tightly as he let out a scream of bliss, hot spurts flowing into Jack's mouth and down his throat. His fingers grabbed at Jack's scalp, his high shaking his body. 

Jack continued bobbing his head until Luke was definitely far gone. He sat up, helping him slide his undergarments and jeans back on. Luke sucked in his stomach as Jack buttoned the denim. 

The older man started to get up, but Luke pulled him back down. He stopped himself from falling on top of Luke and possibly squishing him. He carefully switched them over until Luke laid on him, his body curled around Jack's.

Soothing hands were running up and down Luke's back as he pressed soft kisses into Jack's chest. He didn't feel guilty. 

(a/n) hahahhahahahHhahhHhaAhhah fight me

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