wake me up//avicii +

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wake me up//avicii +

Luke played around with the sound board as the artist in front of him recorded live tracks. He brought down the bass track as he leaned into the mic. "Can we try that again? You're getting a bit scream-y, try to breathe through your diaphragm instead."

The artist nodded as Jack restarted the beginning of the track. His coworker scooted closer to the blonde, placing his right hand on Luke's inner thigh. "Maybe we should stop for the night, it's almost midnight."

Luke looked at the leather watch on his left hand, 11:09. "We've got time."

Jack tsked, "The guys' voice is strained. Give him a break, bring him back tomorrow." 

Luke nodded as he stopped the sound board once more. The musician in the glass room looked up, startled by the sudden stop. "We're gonna stop for the night, all your band mates are gone," he laughed. "Thanks for coming in, we'll talk to your manager about tomorrow."

He nodded, glad to be done with the long day. Luke took a look at Jack, both of them beyond exhausted. Jack gave him a friendly half smile as he patted his thigh once more. Luke stood up, giving the artist a hand shake and quick farewell. 

Jack swirled around in his chair, his feet hitting against the ground. His brown eyes casted over Luke, the paler man having a smile on his face. "Come here, Baby," Jack cooed. 

Luke giggled as he sat upon Jack's lap. He had his feet on other side of the man's body as his bony bum grinded upon the denim-clad thighs. He pressed his lips to Jack's stubble-y jaw, leaving kisses all over the skin. 

Jack leant back in his chair, throwing his head back with a deep sigh. Luke left deep bruises in the shape of his lips around the open neck. Jack's hands climbed up Luke's back, clawing down with raised red lines. "So beautiful," he said as he cupped Luke's bottom. 

Luke let out a chuckle as he stepped off. He grabbed Jack's hand, leading him to the couch in the corner where far too many memories were being made. He laid his skinny body on the soft cushions, the older man taking his spot on top of him. 

He locked his shoulders as he leant down to kiss Luke. Their lips were so soft against each other, each second adding more pleasure. Luke's hands could feel Jack's back muscles flexing as he held his body over the blonde boy.

Luke's hands traveled across his body, gradually cupping Jack's growing bulge as he added pressure. A moan vibrated through Jack's throat and into Luke's. The blonde tilted his head to the side as the older man's lips traveled around his neck, quick pecks falling off of his lips.

Jack was savoring the taste of Luke. Their hips thrusted against each other as Luke let out a throaty moan. He always had wandering hands, wanting to feel every inch of Jack. From his prickly, dark stubble to his hardening length, Luke wanted it all. 

Jack straddled Luke, his soft hands running under his tee shirt, "Let's get this off, yeah?" He pulled at the seam as Luke helped him throw off the fabric. They stripped each other of their clothes, their opposite eyes watching each other move with such ease. 

Luke kissed Jack's nose, then his mouth, then his chin. He sucked a dark hickey over one that was fading away. Jack moaned over Luke's head as he thrusted their crotches closer together. 

"Please, do something, Jack," Luke softly whined. He arched his back off of the sofa couch. 

Jack let out a chuckle before moving backwards. He raised Luke's legs, resting them on his broad shoulders. He left a warm kiss on Luke's cold torso, he trailed his lips down until they kissed his tip. "Are you ready?"

Luke looked up at the ceiling, a flash of guilt upon his eyes. He washed it out. "Yes," he answered. 

Jack started to push himself into Luke, breathy groans filling the empty air. He was slow and careful as he made his way into Luke. His dark brown eyes watched over the skinny blonde boy below him carefully, any flash of pain would cause his retraction. He didn't want to hurt Luke. 

Luke eyes were closed as his flushed chest raised up and down at a faster pace. Jack pulled out before slamming roughly into him, their hips arched towards each other as better angles were met. 

Jack liked the sound leaving Luke's parted lips. He looked beautiful with his face scrunched up with blissful pleasure. His abdominal muscles were clenching over the layer of sweaty skin as Jack continued to thrust into him at a faster and faster rate. 

Luke let out a thunderous moan as he raised his hips off of the rough material below him. Jack locked his elbows as he leaned back over him, Luke's legs falling to Jack's side. Their lips attached once more in a heated rush. Luke felt loved, even if it was only massive lust. 

"Are you close, Princess?" Jack asked in between slobbery kisses. 

Luke responded with a groan as he bit down on Jack's shoulder. The blonde wrapped his legs tighter around Jack's back as he let out a high-pitched scream. He came over their stomachs in hot spurts as Jack quickly followed. 

The small studio room that was once almost silent was quickly replaced with groaning, moaning, whining, panting, any possible sound the two men could make was echoing through the acoustic walls. 

Jack pulled out, wiping his mouth of dripping saliva. Luke had his eyes closed as he started to catch his breath. The dark-haired boy leant down, leaving a warm peck on his light pink lips. 

Luke smiled, reaching up and wrapping his arms around Jack's neck. Jack laid on top of him, resting his head on Luke's flushed chest. The blonde ran his hands through the hair-sprayed hair, neither of the duo saying a single word.

Jack had his left hand at Luke's side, rubbing his thumb soothingly over the skin. "We probably shouldn't do that again," he said.

"It's okay. I don't mind."

Jack looked up at him, not understanding why he felt guiltier than the married man under him. "Okay, Lukey, let's get you home."

(a/n) in case this isn't clear; i do nOT condone cheating in any way. that's a fucking terrible thing, pretty sure all of you know that.

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