this dance//five for fighting

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this dance//five for fighting

Michael held Luke's hand tightly as they walked into the baby store. He swung their entwined limbs back and forth, his other hand resting on his very prominent bump. 

They were met with a rush of air conditioning, wiping the sweat off their faces. Michael was sunburned from spending far too much time relaxing by their pool. Luke was ghostly pale from spending far too much time inside. 

"I don't want to actually set up the room until the baby is born," Michael said. They were headed towards cribs first. There were so many different colors, different styles. Mike didn't know what half of the words meant. 

Luke nodded, "So superstitious." The blonde let go of his husband's clammy hand as he felt over the wood of a few sets with his pointer finger. "I forget how to shop for babies."

Michael agreed, "There are just so many little things that I forget about. I need a book on how to not drop children on their heads."

"That's awful. Is that what you did when I was at work?" Luke turned around, his blue eyes flickering over Michael.

"Psh, never." 

Luke and Michael have been together for almost two decades, they can speak without saying another word. Luke simply pointed to a simple white wooded crib and Michael wrote down the number to find later on. 

"Do you remember when Alex went through that biting phase?" Luke took his hand again as they wandered a few aisles over. 

"That was awful. I'm pretty sure I still have scars." Michael swung their hands back and forth between their two bodies as they continued their shopping. 

He doesn't feel stressed, he doesn't feel stressed at all. He's not feeling anxious nor sad. He's at peace when Luke is at his side. Michael looks up at the tall blonde to his right, his eyes fixated on the display in front of them. He was so beautiful. The older man felt so lucky. 

Every time Luke looked at Michael, he felt a wave of guilt wash over him. He closed his eyes, and only saw Jack. He only saw the tanner man above him with his lips locked to Luke's skin. 

He looks down at Michael's growing bump and realizes how much of a dirty, cheating, failure he has become. 

"Do you remember our first apartment?" Michael pulled Luke out of his train of thought.

The blonde nodded. "Thames Street?"

Michael wrapped his arms around Luke's waist before singing, "Meet me on Thames Street, I'll take you out although I'm hardly worth your time."

"You sung that to Alex every night for three years," Luke laughed.

"And I made her punk rock as fuck." Mike unattached his arms, still singing the All Time Low tune under his breath. He swirled around the aisles, he was happy to be alive. 

(a/n) double update, the next chapter is gonna make you hate/love me.

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