shiver shiver//walk the moon

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shiver shiver//walk the moon

Michael opened his eyes. It was dark in their room, a very dim glow was around their long curtains. He figured it was around four in the morning, too early to be awake, too late to be awake. 

He stared at the ceiling, trying to figure out why he woke up. Luke's arm was still wrapped around him loosely, snores falling from his lips with every inhale. His sloped nose was pressed against Mike's forehead. He could feel the shallow breaths falling from his nose. He had such a cute nose.

Michael softly pushed him off, his lanky body rolled to his side of the bed and curling up against himself like a child.

That's when Mike felt it. There was a rising feeling in his stomach, something coming up his throat. He kicked the sheets off of him quickly, pushing his feet against the ground and standing up. 

His head was dizzy, some of it from standing up too fast, some of it from the headache. He wobbled on his feet as he sat down on the bed again. Mike did was his doctor's always told him to do, breathe in through the nose, out through the mouth. 

He tried controlling his breath, but it only got worse. 

He felt like he was about to gag as he half ran, half wobbled into their en suite bathroom. The room was just as dark as their bedroom, maybe darker, not a single drop of light filling the rather spacious, tiled room. 

His knees were on the ground as he bent over the toilet seat, acid mixed with his previous dinner filling the toilet bowl in front of him. Tears filled his eyes as he vomited, the feeling burning his throat and mouth. 

Luke opened his eyes, trying to figure out why he woke up. 

His ears were ringing but he sat up, seeing a figure hunched over the toilet. He got out of bed, his sock-clad feet carrying him quickly to his ill husband. He stood above him, holding back his hair with one hand, softly rubbing circles on his back with the other. 

Michael was crying, again. He didn't like being sick, he didn't like throwing up. He leant against the back of his heels, Luke flushing the waste away. 

The younger boy sat down to the side of Michael, soothing thumbs running over his pale knuckles. "You're okay, Baby. Don't cry, it's over now."

Mike whimpered as he looked up at the shadow of his husband. His silhouette made him look like an angel, he was Michael's angel. "I'm sorry for waking you."

A half smile raised on Luke's mouth as he leant in, kissing Michael's forehead. "It's okay, I'd do anything for you." He started to stand up, helping Mike to his feet as well. "Let's get you back to bed."

Michael nodded, leaning his weight on his taller husband. Michael does't know what he'd do without Luke, he couldn't do this on his own. Without the blonde, he probably would have walked into the ocean with rocks in his pockets all those years ago.

Luke laid him down in bed, tucking him in. "I'm gonna get you some water and tell Jack I can't come in today, just go back to sleep for now."

Mike nodded, closing his eyes and tucking his legs up to his chest. He didn't feel well. He didn't feel sick though, either. It was just an odd, unsatisfying feeling in his gut. 

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