i wanna get better//bleachers

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i wanna get better//bleachers

Michael was a messy sleeper. With one hand behind his head, the other rested over the side of their bed. His shirt was half way up his torso, his growing bump sticking out in the pale moonlight. Blankets were wrapped around his legs from his constant tossing and turning, Luke didn't even mind that he had nothing covering him from the mildly cold air.

There was barely any light coming in through their curtains, but Luke could see the silhouette of a full moon shining across the dark sky. He moved closer to Michael, resting a bent arm below his head. His right hand went to Michael's stomach, softly relegating his fingers. His hand went around the oval bump, feeling over every inch of the skin.

He didn't know what to do. He dug himself into this really, really bad hole, and there was no way to drag his ruthless self back up. Luke was falling in love again, and it wasn't with Michael.

He adjusted his body, his lips pressed against Michael's cheek. The older boy smiled in his sleep, somewhere in his mind felt the loving gesture, even in a slumber. Luke wrapped his arm around the swollen torso, a few taps were felt below his fingers, reminders that there was an actual human growing inside of his husband. He circled two fingers around the area he felt their newest addition kick last. They continue to kick, their feet tapping a rhythm.

Michael groaned as he scented up his body. His green eyes opened, looking up at Luke. The blonde gave him a soft smile. He moved his hands, giving Mike room to move around on their cushioned bed.

"She's kicking," he sighed.

Luke nodded, "I felt it."

"Why aren't you asleep?" Michael's voice was raw and dry, deep and husky. He blinked a few times, his eyes obviously hazy from going from dead asleep to partially awake.

The blonde boy shrugged. "I don't know," he lied. He knew why he couldn't sleep. Guilt filled his heavy head, he thought too deep and had no one to let it all out. "Go back to sleep, I'll be here in the morning."

Mike shook his head from left to right, "No, you're always working. If you're awake, then I'll be awake, too."

Luke's heart sank. "I'll make this weekend a four day weekend, yeah? We can do something as a family."

Michael's eyes were closing in sleep deprivation even though he tried so hard to keep them open wide. He nodded his head before nuzzling his nose in the crook of Luke's neck. He fell asleep quickly, his pregnancy making him far more fatigued than anyone was used to.

Luke wrapped his hand around Mike's shoulder, the other going back to his stomach. He knows he can't tell Michael, that'll cause hell. He's pregnant, making him already emotional. Plus, no one wants to hear that their partner of two decades is fucking their best friend. No one should have to hear such things.

Michael has been doing so well, they haven't seen the other personalities in a while, their household has been rather normal. It's been going okay, and Luke doesn't want to mess it up again. He knows he already messed it up.

Their kids will stop talking to Luke, he knows it. They're old enough to know what Luke was doing was unbelievably unethical and cruel. They'll put Michael on the pedestal he deserves and shove Luke somewhere far away.

Michael rolls over in his sleep, his back facing Luke now.

The blonde rolls the other way, stress causing his lack of sleep now. He knows he deserves the hell he's thrown at himself.

(a/n) five chapters left. you guys have good guesses, but nope. you don't even know what is coming your way. best of luck xoxo

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