gotta get out//5 seconds of summer

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gotta get out//5 seconds of summer

It was quiet. It was really quiet and eerie. Luke never realized how bright the living room light was. It flickered back and forth and gave him a pounding headache. "Guys? Are you okay?" He asked.

Alex sat directly in front of him. Her legs were crossed, one leg over the other. She was in her favorite black skinny jeans, two slashes in the knees like the rest of them. Luke never understood why they were her favorite, they looked like every other pair in her closet.

Her white tee shirt had the sleeves were rolled up twice, it made her pale arms look more muscular than usual. It had stitching of some The 1975 song on the upper right chest. She wanted to be like The 1975, hell, she wanted to be Matty Healy.

The braided yarn bracelets up her arm were rather messy, Alex usually took a lot of time to make them perfect, but Luke guessed tonight wasn't the night. She never understood why Luke never asked about them. He saw the marks on her skin, he saw the sadness in her eyes. But, he didn't care. He was always too preoccupied with Michael to worry about his children.

Alex ended up resenting Luke.

Nick was next to Alex, his feet were flat on the ground. He was in cargo shorts, the tan material colliding with his fairly pale skin. A polo shirt lined his upper half, the hues of blue matching the color of his eyes.

He had eyes like Luke, they were very blue. The color of the ocean seemed like a child's drawing compared to the galaxies in Nick's eyes. His brown hair was in his face, awkwardly falling over his glasses.

When Nick was younger, Luke and him got along very well. Luke was Nick's knight in shining armor. They'd wake up early together, Luke would clean his glasses and make his breakfast perfectly. Nick would tell him some history fact, and Luke would listen to every word. He'd smile at the way Nick's face lit up. He wanted to be a history teacher, no matter how dorky it seemed.

Nick and Luke weren't best friends anymore.

Michael was next to Luke. Michael. His green eyes looked still as they stared sadly down at Luke. His eyelashes were so long as his brown eyebrows furrowed together, he looked so upset.

His back was slouched, he always slouched, it made him seem so tiny and fragile. Michael is tiny and fragile. His hands rested upon his knees, the blue veins close to the ghostly skin.

Michael was in his usual grey sweatpants, it was the only thing he could wear these days. The fabric was loose over his lower half, it was cozy, though. He had a plain white tee shirt on his body, much like Alex's. The fabric had holes in it that weren't purposely put there.

Luke placed his hand on top of Michael's, and he felt nothing. Not a pulse nor heat. Luke began to breath heavily.

Time unfroze as Alex stood up. She walked over to Luke, pressing her perfectly shaped lips to her father's foreheads. "Goodbye, Dad." She walked out, her head held high.

"What?" He asked. "Alex! Come back!"

Nick stood up, flattening out his shorts. "Bye, Dad," he repeated. He left a kiss only inches away from where Alex's lips were. He followed his older sister's steps, walking out.

Luke looked at Michael. His husband was crying as he stood up. "I loved you," he spoke his words as they felt like knives. "You used to make my eyes shine, now you make my teeth grind." He walked out.

And that's when it all went black.

(a/n) don't ask questions. read the next chapter.

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