the cave//mumford & sons +

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the cave//mumford & sons +

It was eight minutes before midnight, Michael was crying. He held Luke's hand, his thumb tracing over the non-burnt skin. "I'm so, so sorry."

Luke pulled his hand back. He took a few steps away, "I know you are. It wasn't you." He didn't want to say it was okay, because it was not okay. Calum and Michael share the same mind, he didn't want Calum to think burning a hole in Luke's hand was an okay thing to do. 

Michael pulled at his dirty blonde hair as he sobbed louder and louder. His feet were curled under his body as his back bowed towards the bed. He was collapsed on the mattress, his body curled within itself. "I—I don't want—t to hurt you."

Luke pulled off the button down shirt. He sighed in relief once the tight denim was off of his legs. "Please stop crying," he sternly spoke once the cries of his partner got even louder.

Mike hiccuped as he wiped his eyes. 

Luke was only in his briefs when he walked over to Michael. He sat the boy back up right, pulling him to the edge of the bed. In silence, he started to slide the black hoodie off of Michael. He pulled off the white tank top and loose blue jeans. 

Luke rested his head against Michael's, "Just tell Calum to never do that again." His long fingers were on Mike's cheeks, wiping a few free falling teardrops from his glassy green eyes. 

Michael nodded as he closed his eyes. He leaned into Luke, leaving a soft peck on his lover's soft lips. 

Luke kissed him back before letting go. He walked around their room, turning off the bathroom light. "I'm gonna check on the kids, go get ready for bed."

Michael nodded, dragging his feet to the bathroom.

Luke walked down the hallway where the two other bedrooms were. He peaked his head in Nick's room first. 

His light was off, his breathing was deep. Luke walked in to the room, leaving a quick kiss to the back of his head. The blonde left once more, closing the door except for just a crack. 

Alex's light was still on, her door closed tightly. Luke opened the wooden door. She was facing the window next to her bed, her head tucked into her bent knees. Earbuds were in her ears blasting some song Luke probably produced. Her light blue eyes were staring outside, a sorrowed persona casted over her.


She turned her head, looking at her dad. "Did he stop crying?"

Luke sighed. He took the chair from her desk and placed in next to her bedside. He sat down, looking down at the ring on his fourth finger. "Yeah, sorry you had to hear that."

"How bad was Calum?"

"It wasn't the worst, but—." He trailed off, tapping his foot on the ground. 

Alex's voice was feathery and light, Luke could hear the exhaustion in her every word. "What happens if he's not Michael when I need him to be? We can't just play this game forever, only bringing him out when he's himself."

"I know," he said sadly, "I've been with your dad since I was fourteen, I guess I sometimes forget that this isn't what a normal family is supposed to be like."

Alex plugged in her phone as she tucked herself under her bedsheets. She didn't like talking about Michael. "You can't blame yourself, Dad. You can't blame him either."

Luke stood up, not ready to talk. He pushed the desk chair back to the desk. He turned off her light, "Goodnight. Love you."

She whispered something back, but Luke was already gone. 

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