bad blood//bastille +

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bad blood//bastille +

"...Here's to our first artist receiving diamond album, along with the first of the year." Luke finished his speech at the banquet as everyone raised their glasses in a cheer. Jack placed his arm tightly about Luke's waist as they both took sips of their strong champagne. Luke could feel his abrasive fingers crawling under his suit jacket and button down. 

They walked off stage, the quartet in the corner picking up a classical piece once more. Luke has always enjoyed the pleasant sound of a quartet, he's always enjoyed the sounds of strings. When neither Alex nor Nick picked up an interest in any of the instruments, he was slightly disappointed.  

Jack and Luke were both beyond excited when they found out one of their artist sold over ten million copies of their album. That's an achievement very little people are able to say they've met. 

When the two of them first opened the record company at the ripe age of nineteen, they didn't expect much to happen. A few records sold here and there, a few tours as well. They were still running a record company out of their apartment when their first artist debuted on the top charts.  

Jack and Luke sat down next to each other at their circular table. The banquet was being held in a large theatre, all the seats removed to reveal the polished wood floors. The ceiling was hand painted, the detail in each stroke was cryptic. 

Their table had Michael, Alex, and Nick in a row, followed by Jack's assistant, Luke's assistant, Jack's sister, her husband, then finally Jack, and Luke. Luke was directly next to Michael, and he could see how uncomfortable the man was. 

Luke's assistant was pointing to certain people he needed to talk to, or at least greet. He didn't really want to talk to any of them. He didn't need to hear their bombast, pompous language as they made him feel like an idiot. He didn't like eighty percent of the people he worked with. 

The blonde nodded along though, listening to her list of fools. 

Michael's leg was tapping on the floor, and it made Luke more, and more anxious. "Why don't you take the kids home? I'll probably be here late."

Mike gave him a half smile. He felt embarrassed for ruining yet another special night for Luke. "I'll see you later," Mike said as he began to stand up. Alex and Nick were glad to get the hell out of the stuffy room. They were dragged by their ear lobes to the event.

Luke kissed them goodbye as their table was left half empty. 

"Luke and I are going to start making our rounds, saying hello to the guests," Jack said. He stood up abruptly, taking Luke's hand in his. Luke was tentative before entwining their fingers. Their assistants gave the two men a look because they, too, knew something wasn't right. 

Luke made the first move though, he stood on the tips of his toes and whispered a quick, "Meet me in the bathroom in five minutes." Their hands dropped to their individual sides as Jack's dark eyebrows raised in confusion. 

Luke gave him a wink as he turned around, his feet rushing him to the men's bathroom. The only light illuminating the room was a crystal chandelier on the pristine ceiling. 

Luke leant against the black counters, shrugging his jacket off of his shoulders. He never liked dressing up, but Jack scolded him when he tried to show up in ripped skinny jeans.

His long legs hung over the edge as he jumped up on the counter, he took his phone out of his pocket and began to answer emails like the loser he is.  

Jack walks in, closing the door slowly and turning the metal lock with an echoing click. His eyes were shining in the dimly lit bathroom, a smile upon his lips. "So, you come here often?"

Luke laughed as he reached out, making grabby-hands towards his bed-sheet-lover. He scooted closer to the edge, his legs hanging loosely over. Jack made his way between the two lanky legs, his hands rested upon the reticent material of his black jeans. 

"You look really good tonight, Luke." He leant in, attaching their lips. It was slow, their heads tilting and leaning in at the right moments. Luke's hands wandered up his arms and to the back of his neck, his fingers wrapping around the short hairs. 

Jack's fingers undid the buttons on Luke's shirt, his alacrity showing through even pop. Luke nudged him with his nose, his swollen lips pressing against his prickly neck. The older boy slid the white fabric off of Luke's shoulders, placing it next to his body. 

A dark bruise in the shape of Luke's soft lips appeared all over Jack's neck as euphony sounds escaped deep in his throat. With his lips still biting down on his coworker's neck, Luke began to undo the tight button of his jeans, sliding them down his broad legs. They hit the tiled ground, his belt harshly ringing against the echoing floors. Jack helped Luke sit up, sliding off his own pair of trousers. His hands rested below Luke's thighs, picking him up and pressing him against the wall. Luke's legs were wrapped tightly around his back, his heels digging into the skin. The blonde's arms lay loose on Jack's shoulders, he tilted his head, letting lips soothe their way onto the skin. 

Their crotches grind together, ignominious yet pragmatic moans escaping. It all feels like a blur as Jack soothes fingers into Luke, opening him to allay the later effect. Luke can feel Jack lining himself up minutes later, even with his blue eyes closed he can seem to see the daring brown ones only inches away from him. 

He feels a hot kiss on his neck as pressure increases upon his lower half. He clenches his abdominal muscles as Jack's soothing voice relaxes him once more. Luke whines and arches his back against the cold tiled bathroom wall. 

Jack is all the way in, slowly inching back out before fully pushing in once more. Pleasure overtakes the two as a thin layer of sweat lines their skin. Luke bites on his own bottom lip before his jaw falls open. Pants are leaving his mouth as he can't catch his breath. They're crying out each other's names in salacious ways as their highs overcome their rushing bodies. 

Jack's head is resting on Luke's shoulder as he thrusts deep into Luke. Erotic yells escape the blonde's mouth, his head tilted up towards the high ceiling. Jack presses his lips tight against Luke's Adam apple, leaving a purple bruise. 

Later on, Luke will feel guilty and embarrassed. He'll sneak into his house minutes before three in the morning, stealing his daughter's concealer to hide the bruises. He'll lay in bed next to his sleeping husband, wondering why he never stops it. He loves the feeling of Jack, the sound of Jack, everything about Jack. But, he's not supposed to. 

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