i'm your daddy//weezer +

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i'm your daddy//weezer +

trigger warning : daddy kink

"Daddy," Ashton trailed off the pet name.

Luke looked up from his computer, "I told you not to call me that. It's creepy. Alex calls me that, I don't want to think of my daughter when-."

Ash rolled his eyes as he crawled on top of Luke's feet. "You never give me attention anymore. Remember all the fun we used to have."

Luke went back to typing on his computer, pulling the blankets covering his waist closer to his cold body. He was trying to finish an email to a client, but there was a distracting man leaving kisses up his right leg. "Babe, you know Michael doesn't like it when we do stuff."

Ashton sat up, straddling Luke's lower half, "He doesn't mind anymore."

"Yes, he does," Luke sighed, "Don't lie to me." He closed his laptop after hearing the delivered sound of the email. Luke bent over, resting the MacBook on the ground.

Ashton watched the younger boy's stomach muscles contract as he moved around.

The blonde laid back down, his hands under his head. Ash was playing with the material of their sheets, picking it up and pulling at it with his fingers. "I'm not lying," he whispered, "I'd never lie to you."

Ashton let the sheets fall to Luke's hips again as his hands fell to Luke's stomach. He wandered his fingers under the baggy tee shirt, rubbing slow circled as he moved further up.

"I don't know, Ash, I don't want Mikey to be mad." Luke closed his eyes as the sensation filling his system. Ashton-well, Michael-had soft, skilled hands. He knew exactly when, where, and how to touch Luke.

"Come on, Daddy, we can do this all night long." Ashton's voice was low as he got closer to Luke's ear. His knees were bent as his bum was high in the air. His hands rose up higher and higher, ghosting over Luke's nipples then back down to his hips.

Luke's breath was catching up as he debated everything in his head at a fast speed. Ashton bit his lip, a giggle escaping his lips. "You know you want to."

The blonde let out a deep, smooth moan that droned into a quick, "I love you." He was thinking of Michael. He was seeing Michael in front of him, even though the back of his head was shouting, "No!"

Luke regained composure as he flipped Ashton onto his back, attaching his lips to the older boy's neck. Ashton let out a squeal, a high-pitched noise sounding like the pornos Luke used to watch (he still watches them, sometimes, almost always).

The blonde's hand climbed up to Ashton's mouth, two fingers lining his lips. "Shush, Baby." Luke pushed in his fingers as Ashton began to open his mouth. The older boy sucked on Luke's fingers as Luke pressed down into his mouth. "Such a good boy for me. Such a good, good boy." Michael liked praise, and Luke figured Ashton would too.

Luke's other hand trailed down Ashton's body, his fingers crawling towards his forest green briefs. His fingers trailed under his bent legs, pressing into his bum.

Ashton squealed, the sound muffled by Luke's fingers. "Not a sound, or I'll stop completely," Luke whispered, his hands feeling over the curve of his bottom then the side of his hip and back down again.

He removed his hand from Ashton's lips, a line of saliva snapping between the two. He leant back down, locking his elbows before kissing Ashton hungrily. He kissed him like he was the last man on earth, like that one locking of lips could save their lives.

Ashton gasped for air as his hips thrusted into Luke. His back was arching and Luke barely touched the boy yet.

"Calm down." Luke trailed his lips down Ashton's body, leaving pecks here and there.

"Please, hurry up," Ash panted. Luke was watching his stomach flutter in and out quickly, his breath uncontrollable. He sucked on Ashton's nipple as his hands crawled to the briefs once more, sliding them off.

He sat up, taking the ends of his shirt and pulling it off of his body. Ashton's droopy eyes watching his body once more, it was beautiful. "You're so pretty, Daddy."

Luke didn't respond as he positioned his body at the end of Ashton. Ash put his legs up on Luke's shoulder, his ankles digging into the freckled-skin. Luke trailed his right hand around Ashton's hardening member than down his crack. He started to push a finger in slowly. "Do you want this? Are you okay with this?"

"Yes, please."

"Is Michael okay with this?"

"Fuck, Luke, please." Ashton had his head thrown back and hands out. He clutched onto the bed sheets, pulling it from its tucked in position.

Luke added a second finger, speeding up his movements. "You're so tight, M-Ashton." Luke wasn't the one to lie, he was looking at the man he married, not one of his personalities. He added a third finger as Ashton's body raked back and forth with every movement.

Ashton continued to let out mews of pleasure, even though Luke told him not to. The blonde placed his fingers into Ash's mouth again, his shiny teeth digging into the skin turned Luke on more and more.

The growing tent in his sweat pants was becoming more and more obvious with every look at Ashton's body. His fingers were scissoring and bending and feeling every part of Ashton.

"Fuck, please, please, get inside me," Ashton's back arched once more as Luke's fingers fell from his mouth.

Luke removed his fingers, letting Ashton's legs fall from his shoulders and rest around his hips. Luke stood up on his knees, sliding his pajama pants off of his hips.

"You're not wearing underwear? You naughty boy."

Luke smiled, leaning over Ashton and attaching their lips. Ash let out a long groan as the younger boy pulled at his bottom lip.

He sat back at his beginning spot, lining himself up. "Tell me if you, or Mike, want me to stop."

"Fuck me."

Luke tsked, "Such a vulgar mouth." He pushed his bright red head in first. He imagined all the huffs and puffs leaving Ashton's mouth as Michael. Quiet strings of swear words continued to leave Ashton's throat as his eyes stayed shut.

Luke thrusted in more, his hands digging into Ash's hipbones. He arched his own back, getting himself all the way into the older boy. Ashton let out a loud groan in between two moaning pants.

"Quiet, Baby." Luke rested over him, getting more angles as he clutched onto Ashton's body.

Ashton sighed, his Adam's apple bobbing. "You feel so good," he moaned out through a dry throat. He thrusted upwards, their hips clashing as even Luke let out a breathy whine.

He wishes it were just him and Michael. He remembers their scornful nights as teenagers, yelling each others names into the darkening days. Now, it's only a quick fuck with somebody he used to know.

Luke bit down on Ashton's shoulder, soft groans falling from his lips with every few movements into his lover. "Are you close?"

"I'm going to fucking explode," he whined.

"Let go, come for me."

Ashton whined and groaned, it sounded like a symphony to Luke's ears as he began to release between their two bodies. Luke held on tighter to him, going faster as he tried to get off himself.

Ashton scratched down his back as his head was thrown backwards. Luke bit on his lip to conceal his yelling of Michael's name as he released into Ashton. Luke continued with a few thrusts before finally collapsing out of Ashton.

Their eyes were closed as breaths slowed down. Ash brought his hand to Luke's scratched back, soft fingers going from the top of his spine to the dimples on his back. "Thanks," he whispered to a half-asleep.

"Love you, Ashton."

A smile etched upon his face, "I love you, too."

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